00:23:20 Jeanne Lutz: What colors do you see? 00:23:20 Terry Nadler: what shapes do you see? 00:23:30 Margo: what would you call this quilt? 00:23:47 Victoria: why do you think this is called a log cabin quilt 00:24:10 Lyn: Do you see anything besides geometric shapes? I see two people talking. 00:24:48 patriciabartlett: How does the artist’s title influence the way you see it? 00:25:16 Lyn: If you have a quilt, is there a story behind it? 00:27:44 Terry Nadler: one of my favorite pieces - two birds 00:32:38 Lisa Mayotte: I tell everyone that they can have a work of art from the museum, but they have to leave it at Mia, so they don't have to worry about security. But when they visit the museum, they should stop by to see their painting. And they can give it back at choose another at any time. 00:32:41 Kit (she/her): I think of the walk through before the tour as a time to find the rhythm of the tour. 00:33:55 Kara (she/her): Love that idea, Lisa! And Kit, yes, that is good to find that rhythm during that walk-through. 00:35:09 Bill W.: I whole-heartedly agree that we might do well to involve people in current thouhgts, etc. Have you had people ever say "I am sick of the news. I would like some escape to other periods." ?? 00:38:38 Kay Quinn: I appreciate that Current Conversations could be exciting and thought provoking. However, sometimes people want to see our highlights. 00:41:36 Kit (she/her): Is the Pride self guided tour available to us? 00:41:53 Kara (she/her): Yes, we can post that for all. 00:43:52 Susan Arndt: Will you post that as well? 00:43:58 Lyn: Our theme of Women in Art through Points of View ? 00:44:35 Kara (she/her): Yes, Susan, I think the points of view or lenses are already posted on the Mia Guide website, but I’ll doublecheck. 00:45:03 Manju Parikh: When will Margo's tour be taking place? 00:45:23 Margo: November 4 and 13 00:45:51 Manju Parikh: thanks 00:46:53 Terry Nadler: I've done a few of StateFair. 00:49:52 Helen Leslie: Are these tour descriptions posted on the website? 00:50:15 Kara (she/her): Yes, I believe that is where Debbi accessed it. 00:50:31 Helen Leslie: Thanks! 00:51:25 Terry Edam: I did State Fair. “ The Great Minnesota Get Together: Looking Back and Planning Ahead. “ 00:53:35 Lyn: Rose is coming in and out. 00:53:49 Manju Parikh: voice is breaking. I can not hear her. 00:54:08 Maryam Marne Zafar: Freezing and Rose’s tour os brealmg up. 00:54:18 Kay Quinn: Suggest she log out then back in 00:57:45 Terry Nadler: why is dressed the way he is? 00:57:55 Lyn: Did he dress like this everyday? 00:58:11 Antra Pakalns: Why is he dressed like this? Antra 00:58:25 Karen: question to the artist. Did Jose pose for this painting 00:59:44 Maria Eggemeyer: Did he paint the landscape? 01:00:01 Bill W.: what's with the flowers and the view out the window? Significant? Is it his homeland? 01:00:11 Lyn: He looks like he could hang out with Rudolph Valentino. 01:00:42 Georgia Engebretson: Lyn that is what I was thinking. 01:01:05 Nancy Kelly: It adds more drama 01:01:12 Terry Nadler: color is everything! Comes "alive"! 01:01:31 Beverly Cottman: color makes it festive! 01:01:33 Georgia Engebretson: Black and white would make it seem older in time. 01:01:33 Desro005: Shows the contrast. 01:01:40 Connie falvey: i think I would focus his face more. 01:01:49 Jill McMahan: I would want to see the color. I like to watch It's a Wonderful Life & imagine what color their clothing is. ;) 01:01:55 Victoria: he's wearing JeanAnnes 01:02:08 Victoria: favorite color jacket 01:02:29 Lyn: What about the painting on the wall? 01:03:05 Maria Eggemeyer: These colors are used in a lot of the art of Mexico. 01:05:02 mary: It looks like her head is melting onto her body. Macabre. 01:05:55 Terry Nadler: Viewers might object to a rather unsympathic rendering of this person. 01:06:12 Georgia Engebretson: Therefore became chair-bound. 01:08:14 James Eastman: her gaze 01:08:37 Terry Nadler: She might have fallen through the chair. But she has physical strength to remain upright. Very stiff-looking. 01:08:47 Anna Bethune: Her posture very upright 01:09:13 Manju Parikh: She looks serious. 01:10:12 Maria Eggemeyer: The contrast of the shiny and curvilinear chair and the very stiff posture and decaying texture of the figure. 01:10:24 Carol Stoddart: It looks like it's made of wood, but our label says it's bronze 01:10:51 mary: she’s remembering 01:11:11 meg ubel: That’s a far-off gaze 01:11:11 Terry Nadler: A very stern look forward. Angry. 01:11:18 Margo: Or thinking of future dances 01:11:23 Lynn Dunlap: transcending 01:11:36 Terry Nadler: Immovable. 01:11:38 Lyn: She is not present with us. 01:11:40 Anna Bethune: Waiting 01:11:43 Manju Parikh: She is thinking 01:11:43 Antra Pakalns: She is not connected with the outside world Antra 01:11:50 mary: I don’t think she looks angry… she has a haunted look. Sadness there … nostalgia. 01:11:55 Maria Eggemeyer: She looks tired. 01:12:02 David Fortney: Remembering what she has lost 01:12:03 JeanMarie: She seems to be imagining a new ballet, mentally dancing each part in her mind. 01:12:21 Connie falvey: She looks to be in pain. 01:12:22 Lyn: Does she seem different if we stood in front of her? 01:12:43 Margo: she has a dancer's upright posture 01:12:59 Karen: Thanks Rose 01:12:59 Jeanne Lutz: Thanks, Rose! 01:13:25 Carol Stoddart: Good job, Rose! 01:13:26 Maria Eggemeyer: Thank you, Rose! 01:13:28 Andrew Hong: Rose, your description of the artwork’s body and separation of legs. Is that really what the artist intended to do or is it your own interpretation? 01:13:44 Lyn: Thank you Rose!!! 01:14:21 JeanMarie: Rose, thanks for sharing the sequence of questions. 01:14:51 James Eastman: She’s looking in the mirror 01:15:13 meg ubel: Thanks, Rose. 01:16:03 Andrew Hong: Great, Nancy. 01:16:19 Beverly Cottman: Thank you Rose. This was very helpful. 01:18:35 Terry Nadler: In complete rapture! 01:18:45 Karen: What does the pattern represent 01:18:46 Mary Ann Wark: why is her hair flying? 01:18:53 Manju Parikh: How was this image taken? 01:18:58 Mary Ann Wark: why are there dark marks on her skin? 01:19:05 Lyn: Spontaneous and free. 01:19:07 meg ubel: How did she get that pattern on the body? 01:19:12 Andrew Hong: Something is not always available. 01:19:28 Carol Stoddart: was the design added to her body post-photo? 01:19:34 Lyn: It would be interesting to see the moment before. 01:19:39 Jill McMahan: Is that pain on her skin? Or is something super imposed over it? 01:19:42 Maria Eggemeyer: The design on her body – why? 01:19:50 JeanMarie: Are the lines painted on her? The line from her shoulder down her body, 01:19:58 Lyn: She looks like pottery 01:19:59 Manju Parikh: scarification 01:20:25 Maria Eggemeyer: Geometric design 01:20:33 Kathleen Steiger: Is she wearing a body suit or paint? 01:20:55 James Eastman: Curtis 01:21:12 Shawn Gilliam: Yes, Edward Curtis 01:22:20 Maria Eggemeyer: She’s spectacularly beautiful 01:22:48 Bill W.: Face - defiant 01:22:57 Maria Eggemeyer: Bold 01:23:02 Kathleen Steiger: involved! 01:23:15 patriciabartlett: Powerful 01:23:24 Lisa Mayotte: Very direct gaze, but not towards the photographer. 01:23:26 Andrew Hong: Begging for forgiveness. 01:23:33 mary: confident 01:23:42 Margo: I think it has to be a fan, because the body paint is perfect. 01:24:02 Mary Ann Wark: make up 01:24:03 JeanMarie: Emerging from the earth, a rebirth 01:24:08 mary: she knows she’s beautiful 01:25:54 Andrew Hong: Is this artwork on show? 01:25:56 mary: it’s like a huge piece of jewelry on the wall 01:25:59 Karen: when you see it the gallery , it does not stay in its place. It reflects everywhere. 01:26:05 Kara (she/her): Yes, this is on display now! 01:26:07 Mary Ann Wark: simple and complicated at the same time 01:26:07 Maria Eggemeyer: Many facets 01:26:08 Anna Bethune she/her: Spiraling movement 01:26:16 Terry Nadler: I'm repulsed by it! It reminds me of things which have cutting edges. Reflecting fighting. 01:26:22 Mary Costello: Geometric, light reflections look like calligraphy on the wall 01:26:22 James Eastman: it’s jewel-like 01:26:23 patriciabartlett: Unique and beautiful and aggressive 01:26:23 Margo: full of power 01:27:14 Kathleen Steiger: The circle is never ending and goes on forever 01:27:15 mary: green glass 01:27:20 Anna Bethune she/her: Like a stylized diamond 01:27:23 meg ubel: crystals 01:27:30 Andrew Hong: Diamond cuts 01:27:37 Margo: many facets 01:28:08 Lisa Mayotte: It looks like it might open to reveal a secret. 01:28:14 Maria Eggemeyer: Intricate geometry 01:28:41 Lyn: So many sharp edges. 01:28:52 mary: there’s more reflecting glass within 01:30:27 Lyn: Why 8? 01:30:48 Jeanne Lutz: Thanks, Nancy! 01:30:58 Lyn: Thank you Nancy! 01:31:01 Carol Stoddart: Thanks much, Nancy! 01:31:22 Andrew Hong: Thank you Nancy. 01:31:31 JeanMarie: Thank you Nancy 01:31:37 meg ubel: Thanks, Nancy. 01:31:39 Connie falvey: Thank you, Nancy and Rose 01:32:37 patriciabartlett: Great job Rose and Nancy. 01:40:19 Nancy Kelly: Such a great visual! I love that! 01:40:45 Nancy Kelly: St. Petersburg and the Hermitage 01:41:01 Kathleen Steiger: back to Florence 01:41:05 Lyn: Me too!! 01:41:18 Margo: Istanbul 01:41:23 Shawn Gilliam: We travel to learn and find inspiration. 01:41:30 Jill McMahan: I like to travel to appreciate home. I dreamt of Cassis in france. 01:41:32 Mary Ann Wark: India— Taj Mahal 01:41:34 JeanMarie: Florence and Paris again. 01:41:35 Lyn: Anywhere, to see the art. 01:41:41 Steve: Cinque Terra 01:41:43 kristenmcdougall: I travel to understand myself and the world better, 01:41:44 meg ubel: Travel to get outside of our normal routines and expand horizons 01:42:00 Margo: see other cultures and understand our own 01:42:02 Lucy Mitchell’s iPad: Adventure 01:42:07 James Eastman: Food! 01:42:09 Lyn: To breathe a different air and people. 01:42:13 Manju Parikh: Way to get away from the sameness of environment 01:42:15 Nancy Kelly: New experiences and expand my mind 01:42:32 meg ubel: Good, James! 01:43:43 Lyn: A utilitarian piece beautified. 01:43:47 Margo: The design painted 01:44:02 Manju Parikh: well travelled 01:44:05 meg ubel: Rosemaling - faded but beautiful 01:44:10 Jeanne Lutz: It looks heavy 01:44:45 Mary Costello: Care in making a utilitarian object with beauty and strength for a long journey 01:44:45 Lisa Mayotte: I imagine opening it and wondering what I will choose to fill it. 01:45:08 Margo: or what you would pull out of it. 01:46:00 Kit (she/her): It is a gift of my time, not just the thing. 01:46:17 Jill McMahan: My daughter got married & I made them bride & groom masks, because it was going to bother my now son in laws Dad. :) 01:46:19 Bill W.: I made a quilt for the daughter of a good friend -- she was going through alcoholism treatment -- wanted her to feel loved .. she's in Pennsylvania .. 01:46:20 Lisa Mayotte: I made gingerbread houses for neighbor children to decorate. And then they sent me a photo of what they had done. 01:46:22 Lynn Dunlap: masks, hoping they’d keep people safe; used my mother’s fabric, making it special to relatives 01:46:29 Carol Stoddart: knitting an afghan for my mother and how happy I was to do this for her. 01:46:57 meg ubel: She’ll be leaving home 01:47:01 Mary Ann Wark: He wanted her to be well taken care of. 01:47:57 Jill McMahan: Dowery 01:48:01 mary: Hope chests 01:48:11 Manju Parikh: Picture brides who came to marry men from far. 01:48:18 Lyn: Hope cheest 01:48:26 Nancy Kelly: Yes, hope chests 01:49:16 Antra Pakalns: Hope chest this is really strong and durable. Blankets,clothes and treasure. Antra 01:49:22 mary: For storing linens. 01:51:03 Lyn: How breakable is it? 01:51:11 Bill W.: Will it break when I move it around? 01:51:35 JeanMarie: How will they pack it 01:51:37 Nancy Kelly: This is exquisite! 01:51:38 Connie falvey: How do you wash it? 01:51:46 Margo: can they ship them to me? 01:51:47 Kathleen Steiger: does it come with good packing material? 01:51:52 mary: How do you DRY it?? 01:52:13 Lyn: That is quite a drink of wine! 01:52:40 meg ubel: Where would I store it? 01:53:13 Maria Eggemeyer: Sculptural 01:53:13 Kay Quinn: Delicate fragile 01:53:28 Lyn: It would interesting to see it beside Brancusi’s Golden Bird. 01:53:53 Maria Eggemeyer: Ornamental 01:54:14 Lisa Mayotte: Would my cat break it? 01:54:47 Jeanne Lutz: Thanks, Fran! 01:54:48 Lyn: Thank you Fran!! 01:55:09 JeanMarie: Thank you, Fran! 01:55:38 Connie falvey: Thank you, Fran. 02:15:00 Anna Bethune she/her: The backlash against AIC has been interesting 02:15:17 Maria Eggemeyer: Thank you! 02:15:34 Margo: yes, thank you Mia. 02:19:56 Kay Quinn: Assignments: Special exhibits? ELL? Art in Bloom? 02:21:10 Lisa Mayotte: Could we get the dates of our trainings in advance so we can block them on our calendars? Understand that might be hard to do.... 02:22:31 Lisa Mayotte: Great! Thahks! 02:22:51 Jeanne Lutz: Thank you, everyone! 02:22:59 Jill McMahan: It was attached to an early email 02:24:50 Lyn: Will the 11/11 virtual tour conflict with a training session? 02:25:55 mary: Thank you, everyone. 02:26:44 Lynn Dunlap: Thanks, everyone. Outstanding session.