00:25:00 Margo: Very topical as we see Amazon challenging the new union in NJ. 00:28:28 Josephine Owens: I was just thinking about John Lewis’s quotation about getting” in good trouble, necessary trouble.” 00:28:40 Lisa M.: I loved the play and was impressed that it was also a musical! 00:39:33 Mary Ann Wark: Would we talk about the role Mondale had to get so many Hmong here? He is a hero for that… 00:46:09 victoria neis: I love this!! 00:49:49 Kara (she/her): This work would also be great to use within the tour "Art & Identity" which we'll discuss next week. 00:50:40 Liz: This is a great work with teens. I’ve always had good discussions with this. It resonates with them. 00:59:13 Mary Ann Wark: does she talk about how quilts were maps for migration north during the underground railroad 01:02:56 Emily Shapiro: In my research on Bisa Butler, I saw that she did reference the “Great Northern Migration” of southern Black people in the 20th century as an important influence on her work. Her own family experienced it. 01:03:02 Kara (she/her): Here is a link to that session Debbi mentioned--and also included now is a wonderful resource developed by Tobie Miller identifying the flora and fauna: https://ipevolunteers.org/10-07-21-guide-session-on-new-accessions/ 01:04:43 Manju Parikh: Art produced during conflict or war? Would it be possible to include one? 01:06:04 Lyn: Thank you so very much for a very excellent art session!!! 01:06:11 richardlemanczykafka: It would really be nice if Ken Burns finally did a documentary on UNIONS! 01:08:50 Lisa M.: Hmong paintings of war. 01:09:11 richardlemanczykafka: Sculpture by Henry Moore! 01:09:15 Nan McRae: Chagall 01:09:43 Colleen’s: Bayard Rustin the openly Gay Black man who organized the March on Washington Said, “ To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true. We need, in every community, a group of Angelic Troublemakers. “ 01:09:48 Carolyn Weiby: Thank you, Debbi. A great session and very helpful! 01:09:55 Anna Bethune: Doh ho su 01:09:56 Fran Megarry: Thank you so much!! 01:10:07 Jeanne Lutz: Thank you!! 01:10:09 Manju Parikh: Thank you. 01:10:12 Cathie Wemlinger: Thank you! 01:10:12 Cara Richardson: Thank you!! 01:10:12 martha bordwell: Thank you. 01:10:14 Anna Bethune: good session 01:10:21 Kathleen Wanner: Thank you! 01:10:21 Mary Merrick: Thank you~! 01:10:23 Nan McRae: Thank you!! 01:10:28 Pat Gale: Thank you 01:10:44 Kristin H: Does anyone know if ‘Revolutionary’ by Wadsworth Jarrell is still up? It was a great one for discussion 01:10:47 Patricia Bowles: Thank You