
(Note: All CE calendar updates are given on the weekly CE message. Always check the CE message for any changes to schedule.)

Summer 2024 CE calendar

To check out from tours or request a leave of absence, please log into StaffSavvy (https:// , My Account/My availability/Request Time Off.


Visitor Experience (VE) Front of House exhibition report:

Exhibitions Update 07.15.2024

and new FAQ on what is new at Mia this summer:

FoH FAQ – New & Upcoming for Mia Visitors, June 2024


What’s On, for tours (guided and self-guided):

What’s On – 2 Weeks – 07-16-2024 – 07-28-2024

What’s On, all museum events (including tours): 

What’s On – Monthly- 07-15-2024 – 08-11-2024