At the Moulin Rouge, exhibition resource page

Below is a link to the recording of Galina Olmsted’s talk on the upcoming exhibition, At the Moulin Rouge:

Recording of At the Moulin Rouge Guide Presentation 9.18.24

Here are Galina’s slides:

Olmsted_Moulin Rouge_Guide 9.18.24

Here are the labels:

Toulouse-Lautrec labels

Here are the panels:

Toulouse-Lautrec panels


Here is a video Galina recommended: Allan McNab Virtual Lecture: Toulouse-Lautrec and the Celebrity Culture of Paris | February 25, 2021

From your colleague Anna Bethune: Taylor Swift credits inspiration from Loie Fuller and acknowledged this during her Rep tour – song Dress -she had a Loie Fuller style dancer on stage… AM using this information for a teenager tour in french on Saturday – have to speak their language! FIlm is available, link here.

From your colleague Deb Baumer, a video: The Surprising Life of Toulouse-Lautrec: The Painter of Parisian Nightlife

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