Peer Sharing

Book Recommendation on Visual Intelligence

From your colleague Sara Wagner, a book recommendation:

Visual Intelligence     Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life     By Amy E. Herman

I mentioned this book after Jane Oden Stull talked to our class about touring with teens.  She mentioned the author who trains people (NYC Police, FBI, etc) to perceive and communicate better through viewing art.  She is an art historian who teaches others to hone their “visual intelligence,” a set of skills we all possess but few of us know how to use effectively.

Bonnard’s Dining Room in the Country

“An extraordinary loan from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, this work represents Pierre Bonnard’s dining room, along with his wife and cats, at his country house in Vernonnet, a small town outside of Paris on the Seine River. Rather than painting from life, Bonnard created the work entirely from memory, foregrounding his subjective responses over an optical experience of the interior and landscape.”


Norton Simon Museum, resource for Indian/SE Asian art

From docent Josie Owens:

I had the good fortune to visit the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena two years ago and was amazed by its Indian/SE Asian art collection. It is housed in a Frank Gehry building and is serene. The vast collection has so many examples of what we specifically discussed in docent class. Please see the links below:
