Shared Articles

Roman silver

From your colleague Kathleen Steiger, a great article and video from Khan Academy. The video actually was produced by the Getty Museum, and if you look under Research Resources/Online Resources, you will find a link to the Getty museum playlist, with many other interesting videos on materials and techniques.


Chipstone Foundation (Decorative Arts resources)

The mission of The Chipstone Foundation is to promote and enhance appreciation and knowledge of American material culture (emphasizing the decorative arts) by scholars, students and the general public.

They do this through various means, some of which are publications (Ceramics in America and American Furniture) and also videos posted on ArtBabble.

Ceramics in America and American Furniture offer excellent online articles. Click on the journal you would like to explore, and separate issues are posted with articles.

Direct link to the publications page

One of the many ways Chipstone Foundation reaches out to the decorative arts, material culture and cultural history communities is through ArtBabble. ArtBabble is a cloud based video hosting service for art content and has been called the “YouTube of the Arts”.

Link to ArtBabble contents (direct links to video series are listed on the right)

Direct link to:  The Minds of the Makers series

Matisse and Bonnard: A Perfect Pair?

From your colleague Jane Grunklee:

Did you know Matisse and Bonnard were friends for more than 40 years, first in Paris and later in Cote d’Azur? Bonnard’s Reclining Nude Against a White& Blue Plaid (1909) from the Staedel inspired Matisse to create Large Reclining Nude (1935) from the Baltimore Museum of Art. Be sure to open the link to the brilliant Digitorial at the end of the article, it’s a feast for the mind and eyes.

Matisse and Bonnard article

Here is a direct link to the Digitorials at the Städel Museum. This is also a resource now listed in the Research Resources/Online Resources. Besides the exhibition on Matisse and Bonnard, there is an excellent exhibition on Monet and the Birth of Impressionism:

Digitorial Page

Book recommendations

From your colleague Jean London, in response to the growth mindset training, some books that explore the experiences of others:

I recently finished EXIT WEST by Mohsin Hamid-a book about people forced out of their war torn country-not identified in the book purposely.  The characters were people one could easily identify with and the story was heart wrenching.  Very well written.
The other book is After the Prophet by Lesley Hazelton about the conflict between the Sunnis and the Shias.  Truly helped me understand the divisions and the alternate meanings of jihad among other things.  Very helpful.

Article about “listening” and the power of questions

From your colleague Fran Megarry,

“I have been doing the Rubin Museum Listening experience this week and found this article particularly interesting.”

The author is Krista Tippett, and the article comes from the Rubin Museum’s Listening experiences:

On Listening _ Rubin Museum of Art

Fran also recommends the Rubin Museum’s listening challenges, tied to their current exhibition The World Is Sound. Here is a link to the sign-up page, and all the past challenges are also available:

Rubin Museum’s listening challenge


Cultural Appropriation

Ann Isaacson and Jean Ann Durades teamed up for an in-gallery discussion on cultural appropriation, attended by the staff of LI.

We all pondered the questions, “What is cultural appropriation?, Why now?, and Who gets to decide?”  We ended up having a lot more questions than answers, but it was a lively, interesting discussion that bears continuing at Mia.

Attached are 3 articles that Ann and Jean Ann found thought-provoking on the topic: