
Flyover Land tour outline

From your colleague Karen Kletter, a tour outline and supporting documents, with the following introduction:

“To people who live on the East and West Coasts (Florida, New York, California) WE live in
Flyover Land. All the states you ‘fly over’ on a flight from NYC to LA. People on those
airplanes look down and see endless farm fields or tiny towns or vast mountains. But we know there is more to this place we call home. Based on MIa’s collection we’re going to take a tour of Flyover Land.”

Flyover Land tour_Karen Kletter PDF

Flyover land_ Alec Soth

Flyover Land_Shinique Smith Bale Variant

Alec Soth

From your colleague, Kathleen Steiger:

I came across this Youtube video (actually from 4 years ago) with photos and an interview with a Minnesota Artist – Alec Soth…we have some of his works at Mia.
He uses a large format Camera and the images he captures are great.  The first video (from SFMoma) speaks of the commission he had to photograph Silicon Valley and “the cloud”.  
The second video (MN Original) gives a good deal of background on how and why he does what he does:
One of his pieces is on view at Mia in G373.  It is one from his Sleeping by the Mississippi series. Here is a link to his website: