cross currents tour

October 2024 in-gallery public tour

Here are resources for he October in-gallery public tour!

October 3 to 31 , Thursdays through Sundays, 1-3 pm; Thursday evenings, 6-8 pm

Theme: Gather around works of art to look, listen, and tell your own stories.
No tour October 11: Yom Kippur holiday

Galleries: G255, G275, G302, G322

G255 resources

For information on the Tibetan Buddhist shrine, and other things in the supporting gallery, see the Tibetan Shrine resource page on our website.

Note that there may be curiosity of the sand mandala process. We have the videos still linked on the Mia website, so you could show some examples of the nuns doing this, at this link.


G275 resources

To come: recording of Valeria’s training on September 26

Here is a recording of Valeria’s previous training on Gallery 255 (which included some of the same artworks).

Website for Myrlande Constant

From the Indigo Arts Gallery, a bio and more information on vodou flags: Myrlande Constant artist

Elsa Gramcko: Hyperallergic review of an exhibition, The Gap Between Things and Their Names

ELSA GRAMCKO: THE INVISIBLE PLOT OF THINGS (in this article, check out the photo of Gramcko with her painting, No. 6!)

More information on No. 6, by Gramcko


G302 resources

From the Art Institute of Chicago a short video: Archibald John Motley Jr.’s Nightlife | Art Institute Essentials Tour

From the National Endowment of the Humanities: Block Party: Archibald Motley painted African Americans having a good time.

From the Nasher, some great info within an exhibition page for Motley’s first exhibition: Archibald Motley: Jazz Age Modernist

Artist bio on Wikipedia: Archibald Motley

Biography of Victor Gatto

Romare Bearden Foundation

Khan Academy/Smart History (about a similar subject): Romare Bearden, Three Folk Musicians

Romare Bearden The Art Story (extensive biography)

Romare Bearden 3 musicians PDF (with our painting)

Elmer Bischoff: Biography

From the Marin Museum, a virtual tour of Elmer Bischoff exhibition

From the Pacific Sun: Bischoff retrospective goes on display

Then we have a whole treasure of Georgia O’Keeffe paintings in the gallery!

From the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum: About Georgia O’Keeffe


G322 resources

Labels and panels for new artworks within this gallery

EUR252546 G322 Labels_EDIT (1) (1)

A defining thread connecting the works is the influence of Classical art, so you can trace how that appears in decorative objects, paintings, and sculptures.

Wedgwood’s Anti-Slavery Medallion: Josiah Wedgwood’s Medallion

Voltaire, Rousseau and Franklin were often pictured together as important philosophers of the 18th century