cultural encounters/exchanges
Japan Farmer Sowing Grains Information
Farmer Sowing Grains, L93.125.5
Attached is an OOM on a loan object.
Stuart D. Klipper, A City as Once Seen Object File
Klipper, A City as Once Seen, L2011.15
Note: This has now been accessioned, so the accession number is 2011.68.1. Other Klipper works and information on the artist are also included in this file:
St. Anthony, Lock and Dam from Jim Hill Stone Bridge, 85.5.2
Nellie Two Bear Gates Suitcase object file
Ida Claymore, Suitcase, Lakota, Plains Region, 2010.19
Here is some additional object information:
Claymore_Suitcase_2010.19 additional info
Note: Please see the label for the object. It has been reattributed to Nellie Two Bear Gates, so the information on the artist in the OOM is no longer correct.
Kalabari, Funerary Screen Object File
Note: The title of this object has changed, to Funerary Screen. Also, the people who created it are the Kalabari (not Ijo).