
National Docent Symposium Council

From your colleague Fran Megarry, Midwest Director of NDSC, is a link to the “Interchange” page on the website of the NDSC. According to the website, “In this part of our website, you will find articles and links about emerging as well as challenging topics facing our institutions that affect our docent practice. We hope this initiative will encourage exchange of ideas among our peers. The first topic for Interchange is Inclusion and Diversity.”:

NDSC Interchange



Book recommendations

From your colleague Jean London, in response to the growth mindset training, some books that explore the experiences of others:

I recently finished EXIT WEST by Mohsin Hamid-a book about people forced out of their war torn country-not identified in the book purposely.  The characters were people one could easily identify with and the story was heart wrenching.  Very well written.
The other book is After the Prophet by Lesley Hazelton about the conflict between the Sunnis and the Shias.  Truly helped me understand the divisions and the alternate meanings of jihad among other things.  Very helpful.