school tour form letter

Form letters and checklist for lead and multi-visit lead school guides (revised 1.8.25)

Here is the checklist of responsibilities if you are a lead guide on a school tour:

Lead Guide Checklist for School Tours (rev. 1.8.25)

Here is the checklist of responsibilities if you are a multi-visit lead guide on a school tour:

Multi-visit Lead Guide Checklist for School Tours (rev. 1.8.25)


Attached are form letters for lead guides to send to tour contacts:

Multi-visit lead guide form letter:

Multi-visit lead guide form letter to send school tour contact (rev 1.8.25)

And here is a great example letter for multi-visit tours for an Art Adventure school (thanks to Naomi Haugen):

Example of a letter sent for a multi-visit tour 1.8.25


Topic tour (for example, a Highlights tour or Art & Identity):

Form letter to send school tour contacts (rev 1.8.25)

Art Adventure tour:

Form letter to send Art Adventure tour contact (rev 1.8.25)


Assigning tour routes

Link to Art Adventure routes

Starting-areas-for-routes-of-topic-tours rev.


Here are the Tour Guidelines (English language) you can also send your tour contact:

LIN221358 Update Guided Tour Guidelines_FINAL

or the Guidelines in all 4 languages: English, Somali, Spanish, and Hmong:

Combined Guided Group Guidelines