study sheet african art

February 8, 2017

As we spent the morning and afternoon in the galleries, we do not have a lecture PPT, lecture handout, or video links.

Here are some links to information on “Let: an act of reverse incorporation.”

Let: an act of reverse incorporation exhibition

Mia Interview with artist Andrea Carlson

Concerning the “Boomin’ Out” work by Carla Hemlock: Kanienkehaka (People of the Flint) is the preferred name of the Mohawk people. According to the artsmia label: “The Indian Head and the designs within the circle are representative of the Kanienkehaka, or People of the Flint – Mohawks.”

Here is a link to a story on their connection to construction in NYC:

Sky Walking

Here is the study sheet to prepare for the February 15 and 22 lectures on Africa:

Living Arts of Africa study sheet

Supplemental readings for these lectures are posted in the Readings folder.