the 3Ys

Global Thinking Routines Workshop, November 9, 2017

Here are the video links to the morning lecture, by Veronica Boix Mansilla:

GTR Workshop part 1

GTR Workshop part 2

Attached below is a PDF of the handout, detailing four routines:

Global T R Veronica Mansilla handout

In the afternoon, we used these routines in the galleries. Following are the objects and routines used by each of the facilitators.

Kara ZumBahlen

The 3 Whys: Edward K. Thomas, View of Fort Snelling, 1850.

Step Inside and Out: Netherlands (unknown artist), Lady at Her Toilet, 1650-1660.

Beauty and Truth: Wanbli Koyake, Anthropology: We’re Not Your Indians Anymore, 1995.

Ann Isaacson

Beauty and Truth: Armand Boua, Les Winzins de Djamtala 1, 2017 (Africa galleries)

The 3 Whys: Renee Stout, Crossroads Marker with Little Hand, Reaching, 2015, (Africa galleries)

Debra Hegstrom (plan attached for the Step Inside and Out exercise.)

Step Inside and Out: Chinese, Wu Family Reception Hall, early 17th century, 98.61.1

Plan for the routine: Step in, Step out GTR

Unveiling Stories: Japanese, People of Many Nations, 1649, 2015.30

Objects used for group practice session:
Beauty and Truth: Roman, Doryphoros, 120-50 BCE, 86.6
3 Whys: Tibetan (Gyuoto monks), Yamantaka Mandala, 1991, 92.44

Veronica Boix Mansilla

Unveiling Stories: Aliza Nisenbaum, A Place We Share (Cargill Gallery exhibition)