VTS tour form letter

Form letters and checklist for lead school guides (revised 11.15.23)

Here is the checklist of responsibilities if you are a lead guide on a school tour:

Lead Guide Checklist for School Tours (rev. 11.3.23) (1)


Attached are form letters for lead guides to send to tour contacts. (We now have a direct link in the letter to the Social Narratives posted on the artsmia.org site):

Topic tour (for example, a Highlights tour or Art & Identity):

Form letter to send school tour contacts (rev 11.15.23)

Art Adventure tour:

Form letter to send Art Adventure tour contact (rev 11.15.23)


Assigning tour routes

Link to Art Adventure routes

Starting areas for routes of topic tours


Here are the Tour Guidelines (English language) you can also send your tour contact:

LIN221358 Update Guided Tour Guidelines_FINAL

or the Guidelines in all 4 languages: English, Somali, Spanish, and Hmong:

Combined Guided Group Guidelines


Here is a link to the recording of the Brown Bag on 10.27.22 when we discussed lead guide responsibilities:

Brown Bag for school guides, 10.27.22

And here are the slides from that Brown Bag:

Brown Bag for School Tours