china bronzes

Resource page for Eternal Offerings: Chinese Ritual Bronzes

This is our resource page for the Special Exhibition Eternal Offerings: Chinese Ritual Bronzes

Exhibition runs: March 4, 2023 – May 21, 2023

Stop and Chat station scheduled Thursday through Sunday, 1 to 3 PM, March 9 to May 14, 2023.

Stop and Chat training video 3.7.23

Stop and Chat Eternal Offerings (1)


This show does not have labels or panels inside. Here are the three panels at the entrance to the show:


Here are the poems shown on the walls in the intro gallery:

EO_Poetry_Installed FINAL

Eternal Offerings info sheet:

Eternal Offerings Info Sheet for guides

Curator Yang Liu’s lecture on 2.16.23:

Eternal Offerings exhibition lecture


Exhibition Guide, describing the different rooms within the exhibition:

EO_Exhibition Guide_FINAL

Exhibition checklist:

This is online, available at this link.

Gallery layout:

See exhibition guide for description of layout.


Didactics for the Stop and Chat:



Map of Bronze Age China:


Typology of bronzes and handout with information:


Chinese Bronze Vessels with image


Stop and Chat information

pronunciation guide (1)

Touch Props on Eternal Offerings Stop and Chat (1)

Chinese Bronze Age_rev


Digital resource page for the exhibition:

Eternal Offerings: Chinese Ritual Bronzes


Collection of 3D scans of Mia bronzes:

Sketchfab scans

Annotated bronze scans


Chinese ritual bells (video provided by Yang Liu):

Bianzhong of Marquis Yi – Traditional Chinese Bells


Previous video on Mia’s Bronzes:

Chinese Bronzes, Of Us and Art: The 100 Videos Project, Episode 19


Information about Chinese art is posted in two locations on the guide website:

China Art Cart Manual and training (2017)

Class sessions on Chinese art from 20015/2016:

Ancient China/Japan, October 2015

Han to Tang China, January 2016

Han/Yuan, May 11 2016

Ming/Qing, September 2016


Resources shared by Mia Educators:

Chinese Art Timeline

Chinese ritual bronzes AI

From Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History (MMA):

Orientations article by Yang Liu:

Yang Liu_Eternal Offerings_03Feb23

Orientations article by Matthew Welch:

Matthew Welch_Eternal Offerings_06Feb23


From the National Museum of Asian Art:

Bronze Age Casting

From the Metropolitan Museum, an exhibition guide:

The Great Bronze Age of China: An Exhibition from the People’s Republic of China at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Three short videos on bronze casting, good animations to illustrate casting process to visitors:

Harvard Online, shows how engravings achieved: How ancient Chinese bronzes were created

Asian Art Museum, better animation showing bronze flowing in: Casting Bronze Vessels: The Piece-mold Process

Art Institute of Chicago, shows how final vessel was golden: Mirroring China’s Past: The Piece Mold Process

From Khan Academy:

Shang Dynasty, an introduction (with bronzes discussed in a couple articles)

Zhou Dynasty, an introduction

From, some information on foods/drink prepared in the bronze vessels:

3,000 year old food for thought


Resources shared by guides:

From Mingjen Chen: Ai Weiwei, Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn

From your colleague Manju Parikh, a short video on the taotie from PBS.