Feb. 10

February 10, 2016

PowerPoint for Proto-Renaissance:

Proto Renaissance 14th century

PowerPoint for Early Southern Renaissance:

Southern Renaissance JDT 2016

(Note: For those printing off PowerPoint lectures, you can select “grayscale” in the print menu so the black background will not print.)

Handout for Proto-Renaissance (14th century, Italy):

Proto-Renaissance handout (Word) and Proto-Renaissance handout (PDF)

Handout for Southern Renaissance:

Southern Renaissance Handout 2016

Class video links:

JDT class video links for February 10 (Word) and JDT class video links for February 10 (PDF)

Here’s the Best Practices for using iPads on tours:

iPadQAHandout2016 (Word) and iPadQAHandout2016 (PDF)

See the Shared Resources page for links to Minnesota Reflections and the DPLA, as discussed in the library session. See the Homework Assignments page for the European Gallery Talk guidelines and signup sheets for March 2, 9, and 16.