It’s a Woman’s World Tour
From your colleague Nancy Kelly, a tour of women artists, with list of objects, detailed research on all, and a list of sources:
From your colleague Nancy Kelly, a tour of women artists, with list of objects, detailed research on all, and a list of sources:
From the Let’s Talk Tours study group, a list of works by women artists currently (January 2020) on display:
From Docent Anna Bethune, “Works well especially with grades four through eight.
Set the tone by talking about the Museum being like a time machine that can enable us to travel through time and through space – the engine of the time machine is our imagination.”
Attached is the recap of the meeting on 6.5.19, along with the Artful Thinking Routines mentioned within the discussion:
From the Let’s Talk Tours study group, a tour theme on muses, “Day in the Life of a Muse.” Here’s the introduction to the theme:
This tour led to some very interesting discussions about what is a muse, different types of
muses, sexual or nonsexual, men and women, perhaps places. There was discussion about artists who were muses for one another and their tempestuous relationships, some beautifully inspirational and some very sad.
From your colleague Ginny Wheeler, many creative ideas for pair-share and other activities with students:
From your colleague Karen Kletter, a tour outline and supporting documents, with the following introduction:
“To people who live on the East and West Coasts (Florida, New York, California) WE live in
Flyover Land. All the states you ‘fly over’ on a flight from NYC to LA. People on those
airplanes look down and see endless farm fields or tiny towns or vast mountains. But we know there is more to this place we call home. Based on MIa’s collection we’re going to take a tour of Flyover Land.”
Let’s Talk Tours, April 16, 2019
Jim Allen, “The Bumpy Road from Academic Art to Impressionism”
Focus was the 1800’s and what was happening historically, socially, artistically. The topic proved to be too big to include the World so Jim narrowed it down to primarily France. See the detailed tour outline below and supporting documents, including some photo props:
Cecelia Beaux, Mrs. Beauveau Borie and Her Son, Adolphe
Delacroix’s experiments with color