readings for class on November 9

Euro-American Art, readings for Nov. 9th class

Access to PDF of American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School by Avery, Kevin J., Oswaldo Rodriguez Roque, John K. Howat, Doreen Bolger Burke, and Catherine Hoover Voorsanger (1987):

American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School

Please click on “Read Online” to bring up a copy on your computer OR click the “Download” button, to download a PDF for your use (the PDF is too large for me to post on the IPE site). For class, read the article in this catalog titled “The Exaltation of American Landscape Painting” by Oswaldo Rodriguez Roque, pp. 21-48.

Also, please review the attached document, with links to a series of five short illustrated essays on the Metropolitan Museum site:

supplemental-readings-for-the-november-9-lecture-on-euro (Word) and supplemental-readings-for-the-november-9-lecture-on-euro (PDF)