school tour topic

Art and Activism

Here is the recording to the required Tour Break on Art and Activism:

Tour Break Art and Activism 4.12.22

And here is the chat:

Tour Break Art and Activism chat 04.13.22

Here is the link for the attendance feedback form. Please complete if you attended or watched the video:

Attendance feedback form for Art and Activism 04.12.22

Here are the slides for the tour:

Art and Activism_DH

Here are key ideas and suggested questions:

Art and Activism key ideas and suggestions

Peer resource document (add your ideas!):

Art & Activism 

A resource shared by Kate Christianson, of a tour from the Art Institute of Chicago: Art and Activism 

A Taste of Asia

Tour Objective: This tour introduces visitors to the arts of China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and India. The tour examines what we can learn about culture and history from careful observation and discussion of Asian artworks and also introduces aesthetic principles that show what these cultures value in the production of art.

A Taste of Asia

Anishinaabe to Zapotec: Native Arts of the Americas

Tour Objective: To engage visitors in looking at a broad overview of the art of indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America from ancient times to the present, and to give visitors an understanding of the diverse cultures and histories of these peoples.

Anishinaabe to Zapotec – Native Arts of the Americas

Below is the updated cultural considerations handout, to review before touring the Americas Galleries:

Art of the Americas – Cultural Considerations 2017


Safari through Art

Tour Objective: By looking at real and imaginary animals in art, help children discover the many ways animals, or ideas about animals, have been used throughout time and in many different places.

Safari Through Art final

Living Arts of Africa

Tour Objective: This tour explores the rich diversity of African art through close study of masks, textiles, sculptures, and other objects from various parts of the continent. The collection is strong in the areas of West and Central Africa; however, be sure to include objects representing other regions as well (East, South, and North Africa–which includes Egypt and Morocco).

Living Arts of Africa final

Also attached are tips for touring the African Galleries:

Tips for Touring African Art with Young People

and Touring the African Galleries