September 11

Week 1: Combined session, 9.9.21 (repeated 9.11.21)

Recording of session (note, the recording started about five minutes into the session due to operator error, just when Katie Luber started to share her remarks):

Week 1 combined session recording 09.09.21

Presentation slides:

2021 Training 09.09.21

Feedback form for attendance credit: Week 1 feedback form


Adult guides:
Wayfinding worksheet using new gallery rotations and acquisitions, due December 16: Wayfinding Mia Guides 2021

School guides:
Review Art Adventure approach (read an intro of any AAG booklet, link here) and AAG routes (link here), due by September 23.
Wayfinding worksheet for AAG, due December 16: Art Adventure Wayfinding 2021

Optional, complete wayfinding sheet for adult guides, due December 16: Wayfinding Mia Guides 2021

For both adult and school guides:
Connect with 1-2 other guides you haven’t met (additional information and roster forthcoming)