
San Francisco Opera, Dream of the Red Chamber

From your colleague Mary Ann Wark, “Not sure whether this might be useful to others, but I thought it was quite interesting.  My friend Rick Hauser did a website to accompany the San Francisco Opera Dream of the Red Chamber.  He used objects from Mia’s collection to explain some of the ideas of the Chinese garden.”

Dream of the Red Chamber


Form letters and checklist for lead school guides (revised 11.15.23)

Here is the checklist of responsibilities if you are a lead guide on a school tour:

Lead Guide Checklist for School Tours (rev. 11.3.23) (1)


Attached are form letters for lead guides to send to tour contacts. (We now have a direct link in the letter to the Social Narratives posted on the site):

Topic tour (for example, a Highlights tour or Art & Identity):

Form letter to send school tour contacts (rev 11.15.23)

Art Adventure tour:

Form letter to send Art Adventure tour contact (rev 11.15.23)


Assigning tour routes

Link to Art Adventure routes

Starting areas for routes of topic tours


Here are the Tour Guidelines (English language) you can also send your tour contact:

LIN221358 Update Guided Tour Guidelines_FINAL

or the Guidelines in all 4 languages: English, Somali, Spanish, and Hmong:

Combined Guided Group Guidelines


Here is a link to the recording of the Brown Bag on 10.27.22 when we discussed lead guide responsibilities:

Brown Bag for school guides, 10.27.22

And here are the slides from that Brown Bag:

Brown Bag for School Tours

Final Checkout Tour

Here are the instructions for the final checkout tour:

Final checkout tour 2017

Here is the tour review form for the peer reviewer:

Final Checkout Gallery Tour Peer Review rev

Please submit the peer review form within a week of the completion of the tour, by placing it in the envelope within the Tour Office.

List of contemporary art currently on view:

Contemporary Art on view for checkout tour 3.22.17

Final checkout tour calendars, with peer reviewers:

May 2017 checkout tours sign up

June 2017 checkout tours sign up

March 8, 2017

Lecture PPT:

Cubism 2017

Lecture handout:

Cubism lecture handout

Classroom/School Group Management Tips:

Classroom management tips

Afternoon participatory activities debrief PPT:

Participatory Activities Debrief (themes)

(NOTE: For the full PPT showing the participatory activities from each group, look in the Assignments folder. Supporting materials from groups are also posted there. If you have questions about an activity, contact a member of the group directly.)

Video links to the class:

JDT class video links for March 8

March 1, 2017

Lecture PPT:

Photog history (1839 up to WWII)

Lecture handout:

Photo slide list 1839-WWII

Study sheet for Cubism lecture on March 8:

Cubism study sheet 2017

Class video links:

JDT class video links for March 1

Essays on photography, at the Met:

Daguerre and the invention of photography

Besides the usual excellent essays on photography and its practitioners, I found a link to a Met Museum exhibition that explores some of the issues we discussed in the lecture:

Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop

There was also a series of presentations at a symposium related to the above exhibition. Videos of these presentations are available; if you scroll down the screen past the one in the link below, you’ll see other video content:

Faking It Symposium: Social Documentary and Pictorial Manipulation

I also happened to find an excerpt of some of Martha Rosler’s work:

Semiotics of the Kitchen

Library of Congress article, below:

Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother

Also, this PBS story: The Story of the Migrant Mother

And finally, some more information on FSA photography:

Documenting America, 1935-1943

Holes Punched through History

Finally, here was the article in the NYT on last Saturday’s incident:

Two Groups Scuffle