
Video on Miro and Giacometti

From your colleague Kathleen Steiger, “although this is a video about an auction of their work, it includes some great photos of both artists and speaks of the way they were changed by WWII.”

Sotheby’s video

Buddhist Temple trip photos

Here are the photos from the road trip to Hampton, to visit Watt Munisotaram, a Cambodian Buddhist Temple:

Final Evaluation

Attached is a PDF of the final evaluation for the docent training program. You can fill out the document online or by hand and return to Debbi via email, US mail, or drop it off in the Tour Office (in the envelope pinned to the bulletin board).

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback and welcome to the Senior Docent family!

Evaluation 2017 Final

May 17, 2017 class

Lecture PPT:

Contemporary art lecture for May 17

(If someone wants to use the photo of Panda and Doryphoros and can not copy and paste from the PPT PDF, let Kara know and she can send a separate file.)

Lecture handout:

Contemporary Art handout for May 17

Lenses for looking at Contemporary Art handout:

Key Principles for Looking at Contemporary Art

See, Think, Wonder handout:

See Think Wonder worksheet

Additional information on Renee Stout’s Crossroads Marker:

Renee Stout Crossroads (extended)

Additional links to Friends’ lectures for Nick Cave and Renee Stout:

Renee Stout lecture

Nick Cave lecture

Class video links:

JDT class video links for May 17