
Egypt’s Sunken Cities

On this page we’ll continue to add information from the exhibition as it becomes available.

Audio Guide Transcript: Mia Audioguide Transcript FINAL

Labels and Panels:



Egypt Family Guide: Egypt_Gallery_Guide

Gallery Plan:

ESC 100218 gallery plan

Logistics for touring, on 11.8.18:

PPT for Logistics discussion: ESC Logistics session

Logistics discussion video

Here is the Top 10 FAQs: Top Ten FAQ Egypt

Here is a direct link to the film that is playing in Pillsbury Auditorium on Fridays: Swallowed by the Sea

Here is a direct link to the introductory video in the exhibition: Egypt’s Sunken Cities intro video

Talking points for tours: Race and Ancient Egyptians talking points

For general information on the history of the excavation and the selected Art Adventure objects, check out the AAG Egypt curriculum and Teacher’s Guide:



Here are the routes, if you are touring an AAG Egypt group: Tour Routes

Video of Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers lecture (on 9/27/18)

Two documents from Jan-Lodewijk’s lecture:

Key of gods

Egypt timeline

Video of Franck Goddio’s lecture (on 10/26/18)

Here are the maps in a PDF, showing the ancient coastline and where the cities were located:

Canopus and Thonis-Heracleion (1)

Mia fact sheet for the exhibition: ESC Fact Sheet for docents and guides

Check out this link on the press release for the exhibition at SLAM. The press release contains links to some high resolution images that could be downloaded on iPads or tablets:

SLAM press release with images

Here is a great PDF of the Crowns of Egypt, from Lucy Hicks: crowns

As we receive research information from you all, we’ll update and post in this Peer Sharing Research Document:

Egypt resource document 12.03.18

STOP and CHAT (Egypt Art Cart) materials:

Video of the Stop and Chat training on November 3:

Part 1 Stop and Chat training

Part 2 Stop and Chat training

Information (images) that will be available on laminated sheets at the cart:



Rosetta Stone

Canopus and Thonis-Heracleion (1)

Image of Taweret

The Mediterranean

These information sheets will be in a binder on the cart:


Horus Child

Egyptian Faience


Book of the Dead funerary papyrus