September 23

Week 2 sessions, 9.23.21

For all groups, a reminder that our Tour Toolkit has best practices for many of the tour elements we are discussing this week, divided into school and adult/multigenerational sections:

Tour Toolkit


School Guide session

Here are the presentation slides:

2021 Training 09.23.21 School Guides

Here is the link to the recording:

Video of Week 2 School Guides session

Chat file: Week 2 School Guides chat 09.23.21

Homework for School Guides:

Review Art Adventure tours: Amazing Animals and American Stories (booklets posted under AAG Sets on main website menu)

Review themed tours: Animals in Art (to be posted on Monday) and North American Arts and Artists (materials posted under Topics for School Tours)

If needed, continue to work on Wayfinding assignments and connecting with 1 to 2 guides you do not know (Mia Buddies)

Here is a direct link to the feedback form for Week 2 school session. Please take a moment to fill out to receive attendance credit for this session:

Week 2 09.23 school session attendance feedback form 


Adult/Multigenerational Guides session:

Here are the presentation slides:

2021 Training 09.23.21 Adult Guides

Here is the link to the recording:

Video of Adult Guide session 09.23  (NOTE: We forgot to hit record until folks were sharing their Cross Currents tour experiences, so check out the four slides before this share-out, to learn more on why Cross Currents tours were developed and how they are structured. Any specific questions, ask in the feedback form)

Chat file: Week 2 Adult Guides chat 09.23.21

Homework for Adult/Multigenerational Guides (A Word version of this was emailed on 9/24 to Adult Guides):

Worksheet for Cross Currents tour development

Direct link to the feedback form for Session 2 below. Please take a moment to fill out so you receive attendance credit for this session:

Week 2 09.23 adult multigenerational feedback form