
June 2020 Docent Muse

From Debbi Hegstrom:

We are a connected community, and I am thankful for the work done on the Docent Muse that helps keep us connected. Enjoy this end-of-year edition. Our thanks especially to Mark Catron, editor, and Merritt Nequette, online publisher. Also, our gratitude to everyone who has written informative and insightful articles this past year!

Jun Muse 2020

AAG Brown Bag, Cultural Reflections in Art, 9/17/19

Here are the materials from the Brown Bag on September 17:

Video links:

Part 1 on 9.17.19

Part 2 on 9.17.19

Powerpoint slides:

AAG Brown Bag 9.17.19

The new questions and key ideas Amanda referred to in her presentation are posted on IPE. See this link.

We also discussed using the Elaboration Game with the Han Money Tree. See this link to information about this thinking routine.

Cultural Reflections in Art Research Resources:

Cultural Reflections in Art Resource Sheet