high school students

11.4.21 School guide session, touring teens

Here is the recording:

11.4.21 school guide session touring high school students

(A note on the conversation with teacher Craig Farmer. If you are watching the recording, please realize that Craig is speaking about touring his own students. The tour he gives as an example is not a tour that Mia guides would be assigned to give; however, he has some great tips on how to connect and engage with teens.)

Here is the chat:

11.4.21 school guide chat

Here is a link to the full video from Kathryn D’Elia, Perpich Center for Arts Education. It has some wonderful information about engaging with teens:

Kathryn D’Elia  video

Here are the presentation slides:

2021 Training 11.04.21_School Guides_Grades 10-12

Here is a link to the attendance feedback form:

Feedback form for 11.4.21 touring teens

Craig Farmer mentioned two handouts he gives his class:

MCAD M.I.A. Scavenger Hunt 2019

Mia Guide Handout

These are the links for the homework for our combined session next week, on 11.11.21 at 1 PM:

To prepare for next week’s session, watch the video “Language Matters: How to Talk about Native Nations” or read through the video summary HOW TO TALK ABOUT NATIVE NATIONS: A GUIDE from the Native Governance Center.

Also, if time, watch Juan Lucero’s talk, especially from 21 minutes to 36 minutes:

November 11, 1 to 3 pm, virtual (combined session for all guides)