tour break

Art and Activism

Here is the recording to the required Tour Break on Art and Activism:

Tour Break Art and Activism 4.12.22

And here is the chat:

Tour Break Art and Activism chat 04.13.22

Here is the link for the attendance feedback form. Please complete if you attended or watched the video:

Attendance feedback form for Art and Activism 04.12.22

Here are the slides for the tour:

Art and Activism_DH

Here are key ideas and suggested questions:

Art and Activism key ideas and suggestions

Peer resource document (add your ideas!):

Art & Activism 

Tour Break: Purcell-Cutts House, 3.15.22

Here is the recording of our training with Jennifer Komar Olivarez,  who presented new research about the Purcell-Cutts House:

Purcell Cutts House 03.15.22

Here is the chat:

Purcell Cuts House training chat

Guide Training March 2022 – Uncovering Hidden Histories at the Purcell-Cutts House 3-15-22

And here is the thesis by Nicole Watson on Marion Alice Parker:

Marion Alice Parker MA thesis, Nicole Watson

And an additional article from Josie Owens:

Biographical essay in Guide to the William Gray Purcell Papers.

Sleeping porch article:

Hygiene and housing_ the sleeping porch in Minnesota – Hennepin History Museum