Brown Bag for adult guides on 5.15.24
Here is the recording:
Brown Bag for adult guides 5.15.24
Here are the slides (and note, there is a link to the Tibetan Buddhist Shrine online resource in the slides):
Here is the recording:
Brown Bag for adult guides 5.15.24
Here are the slides (and note, there is a link to the Tibetan Buddhist Shrine online resource in the slides):
Recording of Brown Bag session on 11.1.22, lead guide responsibilities:
Adult Guide lead guide responsibilities
Slides for Adult lead guide responsibilities:
Tour contact letter:
Form letter to send adult tour contacts (rev 11.03.22)
Lead Guide Checklist:
Lead Guide Checklist for Adult Tours (rev. 11.03.22)
Map with tour route starting points:
Starting areas for routes of topic tours
Group Tour Guidelines:
English: LIN221358 Update Guided Tour Guidelines_FINAL
All 4 languages (Somali, Hmong, Spanish, and English):
Here is the recording:
Review for return to in person tours on March 29 2022
Here are the slides:
Training 03.29.22_Return to in person tours (1)
Here is the chat:
return to in person tours chat 03.29.22
Requirements for the 2023/2024 touring year (July 2023 to June 2024):
2023-24 Letter of Agreement
The Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia) is committed to the mission of enriching the community by collecting, preserving, and making accessible outstanding works of art from the world’s diverse cultures. As a Mia Guide, you are integral to fulfilling that mission. We are proud of the standards of excellence in learning and collaboration that our volunteer program represents. Each individual associated with our program is responsible for maintaining these standards.
As a member of the Mia Guide program, we ask you to commit to the following requirements:
To renew your commitment to the program and affirm your agreement to the above requirements, please complete this short Google form by end of day, September 30, by clicking on the link below:
Letter of Agreement signature form
An automatic response receipt will be sent, via email, for your records.
Regarding the actions we asked guides to take in StaffSavvy, to add to your “About Me” information and confirm or change your tour day, here is a PDF showing the screenshots from StaffSavvy, outlining all the steps needed for each action:
Docent Suggestion Form, for action by Docent Executive Committee: