School Guides
AAG Brown Bag, 10.2.18
At this Brown Bag, the new curriculum on the moccasins was shared by Amanda Lesnikowski, and we had a discussion of the “Favorites” and “Challenges” from the AAG sets.
10.3.18 class, Anatomy of a Tour
PowerPoint lecture:
Video of class:
09.26.18 Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)
Here is Sheila McGuire’s PowerPoint:
VTS for Jr Art Adventure Guides
And here are some additional readings on VTS that are useful, for some background on the research and and strategies:
Video of class:
AAG classrooms
Here is a schedule with classroom locations noted for the Fall as we will not always hold class in Friends Community Room:
09.05.18 AAG 2018 Orientation
Below is a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation:
Video link:
Training Calendar for Fall 2018
Here is our calendar, for Fall 2018:
Wayfinding Assignment
Here is the wayfinding assignment, due at the start of class on September 26: