Asian Arts and Artists
Sheila McGuire covered this content in Fall 2021 training, via this link.
Here are the slides:
Here are the key ideas/suggested questions:
Asian arts and Artists key ideas and suggested questions
Sheila McGuire covered this content in Fall 2021 training, via this link.
Here are the slides:
Here are the key ideas/suggested questions:
Asian arts and Artists key ideas and suggested questions
Here are some artwork ideas:
Black American Arts and Artists slide deck
Key ideas/suggested questions:
to come
Here is a self-guided tour flier, with some questions and artwork information:
Self-Guide Template Celebration of African American Art final QR
Review of tour procedures, resources, and lead guide responsibilities.
Brown Bag for School Guides on 10.27.22
Starting areas for routes of topic tours
Here is the recording of the Tour Break on African Arts and Artists with Sheila McGuire:
05.10.22 Tour Break African Arts and Artists
Here is the chat:
Tour Break Africa chat 05.10.22
Here are the slides from the presentation:
African Arts and Artists In-person tour slides
And here are the key ideas/suggested questions:
Here is a link to the recording:
Tour Break: Art and Identity 04.21.22
Here is a link to the slides:
Here is the attendance feedback form:
Attendance feedback form for Art & Identity
Here are the key ideas and suggested questions:
Art and Identity art and artists key ideas and suggested questions
Peer resource document (add your ideas!):
Here is the recording to the required Tour Break on Art and Activism:
Tour Break Art and Activism 4.12.22
And here is the chat:
Tour Break Art and Activism chat 04.13.22
Here is the link for the attendance feedback form. Please complete if you attended or watched the video:
Attendance feedback form for Art and Activism 04.12.22
Here are the slides for the tour:
Here are key ideas and suggested questions:
Art and Activism key ideas and suggestions
Peer resource document (add your ideas!):
A resource shared by Kate Christianson, of a tour from the Art Institute of Chicago: Art and Activism
Here is the recording:
Review for return to in person tours on March 29 2022
Here are the slides:
Training 03.29.22_Return to in person tours (1)
Here is the chat:
return to in person tours chat 03.29.22
Here is the slide deck, with suggested artworks:
Human Connections in person tour
Training on Human Connections in person tour
Here are key ideas/suggested questions:
Human Connections SEL tour in person tour
We had a Tour Break on March 24, with Sheila McGuire. Here is a link to the recording:
Tour Break: Art and Human Connections (SEL) 3.24.22
Peer resource document (add your ideas!):