virtual tours

Virtual Tour Resource Page

Training materials and videos for giving virtual tours will be posted here for your reference.

Virtual Tour Refresher on 12.14.21:

Virtual Tours at Mia (overview)

Virtual Tour Refresher presentation:

2021 Training_ Refresher of virtual tours, 12.14.21


List of virtual tour guides and docents, updated 3.4.21:

Virtual Touring List 2021 (3.7.21)


Videos of training sessions held this fall 2020:

9/29 and 10/1: Overview of virtual tours at Mia

10/8 and 10/13: Adult and University virtual tours

10/6 and 10/14: School virtual tours


Video: General instructions on how to use Zoom for the first time, from Cozy Grammar:

How to use Zoom for the first time

Video: General instructions on how to host a meeting on Zoom, from Cozy Grammar:

How to host a meeting on Zoom


Templates to use when contacting tour requestors:

Suggested template for initial contact for school tour

Suggested template for initial contact for university tour

Suggested template for initial contact for adult private tour


School Tours. Training videos for working with Google Slides:

General introduction to the master Google Slide template for school and AAG tours

How to move slides and images within a presentation

How to insert a contextual photo and credit line

How to insert a video

How to save and insert a detail photo of the artwork


Adult/University Tours: Training videos for working with Google Slides:

General introduction to the master Google Slide template for adult tours

How to insert an image from the Mia collection page

How to add Mia credit line information

How to adjust image size and text

How to insert a contextual image and credit line

How to insert a video


Additional tour resource videos, new 12.30.20:

Resolving text box issues

Printing from Google slides

Downloading and printing from PPT and PDF

Tour day support in Zoom, adult tour

Tour day support in Zoom, school tour

Sharing tour slides in Google Meet

Sharing tour slides in Zoom

Basics of Google Meet tour


Tour Support Volunteers (posted 3.25.21):

Hosting Virtual Tours on Google Meet

Hosting Virtual Tours on Zoom


NEW resources posted on 2.1.21:

The docent study group “Let’s Talk Tours” met to discuss virtual tour experiences (for adult and school tours). Here is a recording of that meeting, where participants shared the slides from their various tours:

Let’s Talk Virtual Tours

Brown Bag for virtual school tours, on 2.1.21:

Video of Brown Bag

Notes from Brown Bag:

Brown Bag virtual school tours

Slides from Brown Bag (includes best practices for creating engaging Google Slides):

Brown Bag for Virtual School Tours


Virtual Tour Experiences (this will continue to be updated. Send any new reflections to Kara to post):

Virtual Tour Experiences_ 11.14.20

And here is a summary of some tips shared so far from Ginny Wheeler (11.17.20):

Virtual Tour Tips and Tricks


And here is the link to the video of our information session on 11.12.20, where people who have given virtual tours shared their experiences:

Info session on virtual tour experiences


Examples of virtual tours

Sample virtual tour for adults of Living Clay exhibition by Mary Ann Wark: Ikebana Association

Sample tour slides: Virtual tour of Living Clay

Sample book tour from Ginny Wheeler, slides and notes: Island of Sea Women Virtual Book Tour

And notes from the book tour: Island of Sea Women Tour Notes

Sample tour from Terry Edam: 09.17.20_A_DH_Terry E_Catholic League_View

And here are some questions from Terry’s tour: window view questions

To read more about some experiences with virtual touring, check out the September issue of the Docent Muse:

September 2020

We have some examples of student interaction in classrooms for Creativity Academy:

Zoom example: Creativity Academy

Google Meet example: Creativity Academy

Tour development and research resources

Here is a PDF containing all the images in the Art Adventure sets. All these images have great content within the AAG booklets, accessible within the main menu, Programs/AAG/AAG sets.

Art Adventure sets and images


Discussion of virtual tours and office hour information sessions

Here is a link to the video of our discussion about virtual tours for adults, on May 19, 2020:

Virtual Tour Discussion

And here is the chat, showing all the questions:

chat virtual tours

And here are the PPT slides:

Virtual Tours at Mia

Here is a link to subsequent information “office hour” sessions, video and chat:

Office hour session on July 9

Office hour virtual tour 07.09.20 chat


Office hour session on July 14 video

Office hour for virtual tour 07.14.20