
IPE Required CE: Cultural Responsiveness with Equity Alliance

The IPE required CE session on Cultural Responsiveness was held on December 7 and 9. If you were unable to attend, please watch one of the recordings, either the December 7 OR December 9 session:

Here is a video link to the December 7 training in the Villa Rosa Room:

Equity Alliance December 7 training

We also recorded our training session on December 9, in the Target Reception Hall, with the IPE camera:

Video links to December 9 training

Here is a scan of the two handouts used by participants:

Handouts from Equity Alliance

Here are the slides from the presentation:

Mia Session _1 December 2017

This is a link to a reflection form on the training. If you were not able to attend either of the training sessions in person, please watch the video before completing the form.

Reflection form for cultural responsiveness training

The Harvard implicit bias test was mentioned in the presentation. If you are interested in taking a test or learning more about Project Implicit, click on the following link:

Project Implicit at Harvard

Global Thinking Routines Workshop, November 9, 2017

Here are the video links to the morning lecture, by Veronica Boix Mansilla:

GTR Workshop part 1

GTR Workshop part 2

Attached below is a PDF of the handout, detailing four routines:

Global T R Veronica Mansilla handout

In the afternoon, we used these routines in the galleries. Following are the objects and routines used by each of the facilitators.

Kara ZumBahlen

The 3 Whys: Edward K. Thomas, View of Fort Snelling, 1850.

Step Inside and Out: Netherlands (unknown artist), Lady at Her Toilet, 1650-1660.

Beauty and Truth: Wanbli Koyake, Anthropology: We’re Not Your Indians Anymore, 1995.

Ann Isaacson

Beauty and Truth: Armand Boua, Les Winzins de Djamtala 1, 2017 (Africa galleries)

The 3 Whys: Renee Stout, Crossroads Marker with Little Hand, Reaching, 2015, (Africa galleries)

Debra Hegstrom (plan attached for the Step Inside and Out exercise.)

Step Inside and Out: Chinese, Wu Family Reception Hall, early 17th century, 98.61.1

Plan for the routine: Step in, Step out GTR

Unveiling Stories: Japanese, People of Many Nations, 1649, 2015.30

Objects used for group practice session:
Beauty and Truth: Roman, Doryphoros, 120-50 BCE, 86.6
3 Whys: Tibetan (Gyuoto monks), Yamantaka Mandala, 1991, 92.44

Veronica Boix Mansilla

Unveiling Stories: Aliza Nisenbaum, A Place We Share (Cargill Gallery exhibition)

CE Session on October 28, 2017

Here are the video links from our IPE CE session on October 28, 2017. The session included a presentation by Padma Maitland, our new curator for South and Southeast Asian Art, as well as a discussion on team tours and theme development for those tours.

Part 1 10.28.17

Part 2 10.28.17

Part 3 10.28.17

Various resources have been posted under Research Resources/IPE Workshop Resources from this session, including a link to an online exhibition mentioned by Padma.