School Guides

AAG Brown Bag on 2/12/19, Africa and the Americas Galleries

Here are the slides from the Brown Bag on Tuesday, February 12:

AAG Brown Bag 2.12.19

These are links to the recording:

Part 1

Part 2

Here are some links to various resources:

Article: Artwork Taken from Africa, Returning to a Home Transformed

Exploring Africa, an online source with great information on the history of the continent: Exploring Africa

Art and Life in Africa, from the University of Iowa. To reach the page where all videos are posted, click here.

Bwa masquerade (short video clip)


Instructions for Observation of and Participation on AAG tours

We ask that you follow two AAG tours before you schedule your checkout tour in March. The first tour you follow, you will observe. The second tour you follow, you will observe and participate by presenting on two objects in the set. Here are your instructions:

Observation and participation 2019

Here is the worksheet you need to complete after your first tour observation:


Here is the worksheet you need to complete after your second tour observation and participation:
