School Guides

Instructions for Observation of and Participation on AAG tours

We ask that you follow two AAG tours before you schedule your checkout tour in March. The first tour you follow, you will observe. The second tour you follow, you will observe and participate by presenting on two objects in the set. Here are your instructions:

Observation and participation 2019

Here is the worksheet you need to complete after your first tour observation:


Here is the worksheet you need to complete after your second tour observation and participation:



AAG Brown Bag, 11.6.18

We didn’t record the Brown Bag on November 6 as we were up in the galleries for most of the session, practicing inquiry using Artful Thinking Routines and VTS. The routines we practiced and an object suggestion list are posted here.

PPT for the intro of the session: 11.6.18 AAG Brown Bag Inquiry

Here is a brief video we watched, to consider different biases in art: A Portrait Session with a Twist

Here is the object selection list and Artful Thinking Routines:

11.6.18 AAG ArtfulThinkingVTS Brown Bag

AT Beginning Middle End

AT Step Inside

AT Ten Times Two

(For a refresher on VTS, search for “VTS Freshman AAG” on the IPE site, and you will find the materials for one of the nw AAG classes in September 2018.)

Readings for 10.31.18, cultural responsiveness

Growth Mindset for a More Peaceful Empathetic World

Link to Chimamanda Adichie’s TED talk, The Danger of a Single Story

Link to Corey Mitchell, Education Week/PBS News Hour, A teacher mispronouncing a student’s name can have a lasting impact

Take a look at the website, The Genderbread Person:

Read the Gender Revolution:

If you have time, check out Project Implicit. “Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition – thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet.” Harvard University hosts the site, and you can take some of the tests, if you have time: