
Required cultural fluency training on 11.9.22

Here is a recording of the training with Dr. Abdul Omari. This training video will only be accessible until January 15, 2023:


Here is the participant guide from Dr. Omari:


Here are the real scenarios we discussed:

Final draft with questions_ Scenarios for 11.9.22


If you attended the training, here is a link to the feedback form:

Feedback form for attendees to on-site training


If you were unable to attend the session, here is a link to the online training form, complete with feedback sections:

Online training and feedback form for those who were unable to attend the session

Form letters and lead guide checklists for adult tours (11.1.22)

Recording of Brown Bag session on 11.1.22, lead guide responsibilities:

Adult Guide lead guide responsibilities

Slides for Adult lead guide responsibilities:

Lead guide for Adult Tours

Tour contact letter:

Form letter to send adult tour contacts (rev 11.03.22)

Lead Guide Checklist:

Lead Guide Checklist for Adult Tours (rev. 11.03.22)

Map with tour route starting points:

Starting areas for routes of topic tours


Group Tour Guidelines:

English: LIN221358 Update Guided Tour Guidelines_FINAL

All 4 languages (Somali, Hmong, Spanish, and English):

Combined Guided Group Guidelines

Botticelli and Renaissance Florence: Masterworks from the Uffizi resource page

Here is our resource page for our Fall 2022 special exhibition: Botticelli and Renaissance Florence: Masterworks from the Uffizi

October 16, 2022 – January 8, 2023

Tours will run October 25 to December 22.

As materials become available, we will post them here.

The recording of the exhibition lecture on October 11. Please note that the AV technician discovered a problem with the sound 10 minutes into the recording, so the first 10 minutes are without sound. The lecture by Eike Schmidt on October 16 is also being recorded, and we’ll provide a link to that recording when available:

Lecture with Rachel McGarry, Eike Schmidt, and Roberta Bartoli 10.11.22

Here is a link to the recording of the lecture by Eike Schmidt and Roberta Bartoli, on 10.16.22:

Living in Florence in the Age of Botticelli

CHECKLIST, with images of objects:

A-September Checklist – Botticelli and Renaissance Florence reduced






Exhibition Layout:

Uffizi – OBJ ID per Registration_9-27-2022 r

Key for layout: BOTTICELLI IN MINNEAPOLIS_for Educator


Audio Tour Transcript:

Botticelli and Renaissance Florence_Audio Guide Transcript

and an information card on the audio tour: Audio Guide Card_Botticelli_Info Sheet

Catalog: digital version

mia_botticelli_DIGITAL low res reduced

Fact Sheet (updated on 10.31.22):

Botticelli and Renaissance Florence Info Sheet 10-31-22

Here is the Teacher’s Guide:



Here is the recording of our discussion of theme on October 20:

Botticelli theme discussion

Here are the slides:

Botticelli and Renaissance Florence_ themes


Here is the recording of our debrief session on November 22:

Botticelli guide check-in



Resources shared by Mia educators

The Uffizi website

(Including Pallas and the Centaur)

From the National Gallery of Art, a wonderful online resource on the Italian Renaissance:

Italian Renaissance Learning Resources

From Khan Academy, historical background on the Renaissance in Florence, as well as information on Botticelli and his most famous artworks:

General information on Italian Renaissance for Early, and High periods

Florence in the Early Renaissance

VIDEO: A celebration of beauty and love: Botticelli’s Birth of Venus

VIDEO: Botticelli, Primavera

Botticelli, Portrait of a Man with a Medal of Cosimo il Vecchio de’ Medici

Portraits and fashion: Sandro Botticelli, Portrait of a Young Woman

From ArtNews: From Medicis to Mythologies: How Sandro Botticelli Became One of History’s Most Influential Artists

From the Guardian about a previous Botticelli exhibition: The sword in the sky


Resources shared by guides

From the National Gallery of Art, a great video on metalpoint drawing: Metalpoint Drawing from Leonardo to Jasper Johns

From your colleague Bill Wilson, a recommendation for the PBS series, Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance.

From your colleague Terry Edam, a video from the Getty to connect to Botticelli’s training: “ In 1460 Botticelli’s father ceased his business as a tanner and became a gold-beater with his other son, Antonio. This profession would have brought the family into contact with a range of artists. Giorgio Vasari, in his Life of Botticelli, reported that Botticelli was initially trained as a goldsmith.”  Gold Ground Painting

From your colleague Lisa Mayotte, a video: Know the Artist: Sandro Botticelli

From Lyn Osgood, a book recommendation: Botticelli’s Secret: The Lost Drawings and the Rediscovery of the Renaissance

From Regina Sindalovsky, a video from a previous Botticelli exhibition at MFA Boston: Botticelli: The Curator’s View

From Anna Bethune: Watch three season Netflix 2016 series on the Medici: “It shows the garden of st Marco with many familiar pieces and many of Boticelli and other paintings hanging on the walls of the Medici palace. I am sure this is very fictionalized but it helps place everyone and our Sandro B is a main character ( doesn’t look as I imagined him neither does Lorenzo) but it helps remember the context !”

From Meg Ubel, a Met Museum “spotlight” on a bronze sculpture of Spinario, link here.

From Diana Beutner, a great video from the Getty on how Renaissance artists used cartoons: Almost Invisible: The Cartoon Transfer

From Kat Christianson, a book recommendation: At Home in Renaissance Italy, by Marta Ajmar and Flora Dennis; Ms. Ajmar curated the related exhibition The Renaissance Home (2009) at the Victoria and Albert Museum and works in the V&A’s research department.



Peer training in Galleries 374 and 375, June 15, 2022

Jean Ann Durades, Rose Stanley-Gilbert, Mary Ann Wark presented on new works on view in Rituals of Resilience and Gallery 375. These are works all by Black artists. The training is 5 videos in total.

Peer training Part 1

Peer Training Part 2

Peer Training Part 3

Peer Training Part 4

Peer Training Part 5

Here are also supporting materials from their talks, along with some additional resources provided by other guides:

From Rose:

Gio Swaby, Pretty Pretty 3, 2020 WORD

Alfred Conteh – Sauce – WORD

From Mary Ann:

mia.James Phillips Cosmic Connection 1971 2022

mia. Wangechi Mutu

and with no questions/answers: mia. object file.Intertwinedwo anwers


Some information on Afrofuturism from Kay Miller:

Afro-Futurism Explained

Afrofuturism Explained: Not Just Black Sci-Fi | Inverse

StaffSavvy Training resource page

Welcome to our Resource Page for StaffSavvy, our tour scheduling system. As we continue to train on this system, we will post materials on this resource page.

Here is a link to the slides from our Info Sessions in November 2023:

Training 11.17.23 StaffSavvy session

Here is a link to the video for our refresher on Sept. 20, 2022:

StaffSavvy refresher 09.20.22

Here is a link to the slides:

Training 09.20.22 StaffSavvy session


Here is a direct link to StaffSavvy:


Here is the recording for our introduction on May 26, 2022, to the new scheduling system, StaffSavvy:

Introduction to tour assignments in StaffSavvy

Here is the chat file:

StaffSavvy chat 05.26.22

Here are the slides:

Training 5.26.22 StaffSavvy session

The three videos we sent out to introduce the system are here:

Video 1: Introduction and changing your password

Video 2: Updating your photo and profile

Video 3: How to do a checkout or leave request

To send a group message to multiple guides in StaffSavvy, go to My Account/My Messages, then select “Send a New Message” in the top menu bar. In the “To” line, you can enter multiple guide names. Click on “Send Message” to send the message. If you are uncertain if all guides in your tour assignment are using StaffSavvy messaging, you can use email addresses provided in the guide rosters.

Resource page for Dressed by Nature: Japanese Textiles and Van Gogh Olive Groves

Welcome to our resource page for Dressed by Nature: Textiles of Japan (June 25, 2022 – September 11, 2022).

We will also post any relevant materials here for the Van Gogh and the Olive Groves exhibition (June 25, 2022 – September 18, 2022), for guides volunteering for the Stop and Chat station. As materials become available, we will post them.

Recording of Andreas Marks’ lecture:

Dressed by Nature exhibition lecture 06.16.22

Guide training resource document, with small pictures of artworks and labels:

Guide Training_Dressed by Nature_Textiles of Japan June 2022_v3


Stop and Chat training

Stop and Chat training 06.30.22

Stop and Chat slides

Stop and Chat DBN and VG (1)

Update on storage of Stop and Chat:

Storage of Stop and Chat cart and garment forms






Exhibition Layout (also a print version is posted in the Guide Lounge)

DBN for Educators

FAQ for Dressed by Nature:

Dressed by Nature Fact Sheet 5-25-22


How to video: Bingata technique: 【Ryukyu Bingata】OKINAWA STRUCTURE Vol.1 – Resist-dye technique of Japan

How to process for banana fiber cloth (bashofu)

How to Video: Banana fiber cloth

Shibori (includes hari hitta shibori): The art of Japanese tie-dyeing (shibori)

Indigo dye process video: Short film (less than 2 minutes)

Indigo dye for ikat process: Long video of Japanese ikat process (29 minutes)


Van Gogh and the Olive Grove (see resources from Dallas Museum at end of page)

Lecture by Matthew Welch:

Van Gogh and the Olive Groves 06.23.22

Exhibition labels and panels:




Exhibition layout (also a print version is posted in the Guide Lounge)

VG for Educators

FAQs for Van Gogh

Van Gogh and the Olive Groves FAQs

All Olive Grove paintings, in chronological order, left to right, top to bottom:

olive groves grid

Peer resources

Dressed by Nature

Here are articles and videos shared by guides, connected to the exhibition:

Articles on Mia’s blog:


From Susan Arndt, the posted link to the May Friends’ lecture, by Anna Jackson: “Drawing on the works to be featured in the MIA exhibition Dressed by Nature, and on those in the V&A and other collections, this lecture will explore what these textiles they can tell us about the lives, beliefs and tastes of those who created and consumed them. In doing so, it will pull together the common threads that bound rural villages to fashionable city streets and connected farmers and fishermen to merchants and entertainers. It will also examine the value and meaning these works have today and the efforts being made to preserve the skills and artistry they embody.”

link to the May Friend’s talk by Anna Jackson, “The Social Fabric”

Susan Arndt also shares some great articles:

The Art of Turning Fish into Leather

From Prejudice to Pride (an article about the Indigenous Ainu culture)

The Secret Language of Salmon Skin Coats

From Kay Miller:

Kimono Style’: A Beautiful Painting You Can Wear

From Margie Crone, a site with some information on Ainu patterns: Ainu-Siriki are patterns inscribed on the tools and clothes of Ainu. Ay-us-siriki and morew-siriki, which are whirling designs, are the most popular patterns.

From Pat Gale, a long article on the Ainu, including information on the tattoos women received: AINU: THEIR HISTORY, ART, LIFE, RITUALS, CLOTHES AND BEARS

Peer resources

Van Gogh

From the Mia blog:

Touched by Van Gogh: What a newly discovered fingerprint tells us about a Mia masterwork

From the Dallas Museum of Art, a lecture: Exhibition Talk: Van Gogh and the Olive Groves

From Dallas Museum of Art, online article and images: Virtual Van Gogh and the Olive Groves

From the Van Gogh Museum:  Why Did Vincent van Gogh Cut off His Ear?

From Lyn Mierswa, an information page at the Van Gogh Museum:  Vincent van Gogh FAQ’s

Van Gogh and Japan (examples of the influence of Japanese art on Van Gogh)

From Lucy Hicks, a great podcast episode focused on Van Gogh’s sister-in-law:

Episode #96: Cherchez La Femme, or The Woman Behind the Art–Johanna Van Gogh (Season 11, Episode 5)

and another article about Jo’s efforts to publicize Van Gogh’s work:

The Woman Who Made van Gogh

From Pat Gale: How Japanese Woodblock Prints Transformed Van Gogh’s Dreams of Utopia

From Deb Baumer, a chapter from the book Vincent van Gogh in Saint-Paul de-Mausole concerning the options for treatment for mental illness in Van Gogh’s time:

Insanity History and Therapies in Van Gogh’s Century



Art and Activism

Here is the recording to the required Tour Break on Art and Activism:

Tour Break Art and Activism 4.12.22

And here is the chat:

Tour Break Art and Activism chat 04.13.22

Here is the link for the attendance feedback form. Please complete if you attended or watched the video:

Attendance feedback form for Art and Activism 04.12.22

Here are the slides for the tour:

Art and Activism_DH

Here are key ideas and suggested questions:

Art and Activism key ideas and suggestions

Peer resource document (add your ideas!):

Art & Activism 

Tour Break: Purcell-Cutts House, 3.15.22

Here is the recording of our training with Jennifer Komar Olivarez,  who presented new research about the Purcell-Cutts House:

Purcell Cutts House 03.15.22

Here is the chat:

Purcell Cuts House training chat

Guide Training March 2022 – Uncovering Hidden Histories at the Purcell-Cutts House 3-15-22

And here is the thesis by Nicole Watson on Marion Alice Parker:

Marion Alice Parker MA thesis, Nicole Watson

And an additional article from Josie Owens:

Biographical essay in Guide to the William Gray Purcell Papers.

Sleeping porch article:

Hygiene and housing_ the sleeping porch in Minnesota – Hennepin History Museum