
Docent Forum on 11.15.18

Here is a video link to the Docent Forum on November 15:

Docent Forum 11.15.18

The links to the global maps, new acquisitions, and verbal descriptions have been added to the IPE site. On the Menu, find Research Resources then Artsmia Information. You’ll be able to directly link to those areas on the website.

Here is a link to the story Bob Cozzolino referenced, regarding the price for art made by women artists:

$450 Million Buys “Salvator Mundi” Or The Top Work From Every Major Female Artist


Purcell-Cutts House Training 2018

Here are materials covered in the training to tour the Purcell-Cutts House.

Below are videos of the lectures:

Lecture on 11.6.18

Lecture on 11.7.18

Jennifer Komar Olivarez’s PowerPoint training lectures:

Purcell-Cutts Docent Training with Winterlights 2018_Part1

Purcell-Cutts Docent Training with Winterlights 2018_Part2

Purcell-Cutts Docent Training with Winterlights 2018_Part3

Here are the rules and procedures for touring:

Docent Rules and Procedures 2018

Jennifer has also provided a wealth of supporting information on the house and its context:

JKO Acquisitions Proposal Purcell-Cutts House November 2011 values redacted

Acquisitions Proposal Elmslie Hanna Suite final values redacted

DAT160744_PCuttsHouse_WindowConservation_Sign DAT170605_PCuttsHouse_WIndowConservation_Conclusion_Sign

The peculiar story of the Purcell-Cutts House windows — Minneapolis Institute of Art _ Minneapolis Institute of Art

Journal articles on the Prairie School accessible through JSTOR

Prairie School Bibliography 2018

Purcell and Elmlise Timeline

Purcell-Cutts House Dining Room Suite Furniture Information

Purcell-Cutts House Reference information updated 2018

Updates to Purcell-Cutts House Manual 2018

From the Prairie School exhibition, the Progressive Pencil, labels and panels:






Purcell biography, Portland years:

Here is a google maps photo of the Purcell house in Portland and some other street views:

Purcell house in Portland

Purcell in Portland house views

AAG Brown Bag, 11.6.18

We didn’t record the Brown Bag on November 6 as we were up in the galleries for most of the session, practicing inquiry using Artful Thinking Routines and VTS. The routines we practiced and an object suggestion list are posted here.

PPT for the intro of the session: 11.6.18 AAG Brown Bag Inquiry

Here is a brief video we watched, to consider different biases in art: A Portrait Session with a Twist

Here is the object selection list and Artful Thinking Routines:

11.6.18 AAG ArtfulThinkingVTS Brown Bag

AT Beginning Middle End

AT Step Inside

AT Ten Times Two

(For a refresher on VTS, search for “VTS Freshman AAG” on the IPE site, and you will find the materials for one of the nw AAG classes in September 2018.)

IPE CE required session, Sept. 29 or Oct. 11, 2018

Here are video links to our IPE required training, offered on September 29 and October 11. Videos from both sessions are posted here, and while the content is the same, the video for September 29 also includes an introduction to Jeanine Pollard, Mia’s research and project manager for the Center for Empathy and the Visual Arts.

September 29th session:

Part 1 09.29.18

Part 2 09.29.18

Part 3 09.29.18

Part 4 09.29.18

October 11th session:

Complete video for 10.11.18

Feedback form for the training:

Fall required training feedback 09.29 or 10.11 2018

Links to the NAEA study referenced by Juline are here:

To watch the NAEA report delivered, click on this link:
And to read the complete findings, click here: NAEA-AAMD Research Study
Here is the PPT from the September 29th session:
And here is the PPT of the Master Plan presentation:


Egypt’s Sunken Cities

On this page we’ll continue to add information from the exhibition as it becomes available.

Audio Guide Transcript: Mia Audioguide Transcript FINAL

Labels and Panels:



Egypt Family Guide: Egypt_Gallery_Guide

Gallery Plan:

ESC 100218 gallery plan

Logistics for touring, on 11.8.18:

PPT for Logistics discussion: ESC Logistics session

Logistics discussion video

Here is the Top 10 FAQs: Top Ten FAQ Egypt

Here is a direct link to the film that is playing in Pillsbury Auditorium on Fridays: Swallowed by the Sea

Here is a direct link to the introductory video in the exhibition: Egypt’s Sunken Cities intro video

Talking points for tours: Race and Ancient Egyptians talking points

For general information on the history of the excavation and the selected Art Adventure objects, check out the AAG Egypt curriculum and Teacher’s Guide:



Here are the routes, if you are touring an AAG Egypt group: Tour Routes

Video of Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers lecture (on 9/27/18)

Two documents from Jan-Lodewijk’s lecture:

Key of gods

Egypt timeline

Video of Franck Goddio’s lecture (on 10/26/18)

Here are the maps in a PDF, showing the ancient coastline and where the cities were located:

Canopus and Thonis-Heracleion (1)

Mia fact sheet for the exhibition: ESC Fact Sheet for docents and guides

Check out this link on the press release for the exhibition at SLAM. The press release contains links to some high resolution images that could be downloaded on iPads or tablets:

SLAM press release with images

Here is a great PDF of the Crowns of Egypt, from Lucy Hicks: crowns

As we receive research information from you all, we’ll update and post in this Peer Sharing Research Document:

Egypt resource document 12.03.18

STOP and CHAT (Egypt Art Cart) materials:

Video of the Stop and Chat training on November 3:

Part 1 Stop and Chat training

Part 2 Stop and Chat training

Information (images) that will be available on laminated sheets at the cart:



Rosetta Stone

Canopus and Thonis-Heracleion (1)

Image of Taweret

The Mediterranean

These information sheets will be in a binder on the cart:


Horus Child

Egyptian Faience


Book of the Dead funerary papyrus


IPE CE: Lecture on Mesoamerican and Andean art

Here is a link to the video of Dr. Meghan Tierney’s lecture on the Art of the Americas:

Art of the Americas

Here is a copy of her PowerPoint, some of which we covered in gallery discussion. (The PPT had to be split into segments as it was too large to post in its entirety on the website.):

Tierney part 1

Tierney part 2

Tierney part 3

Tierney part 4

Tierney part 5

Tierney part 6

Tierney part 7

Tierney part 8

Tierney part 9

Tierney part 10

This is a link to the database of Justin Kerr rollout photos of Mayan vessels that Dr. Tierney mentioned in her talk:

Justin Kerr database

And here is an article Dr. Tierney recommended we read:

Saunders_Catching the Light_2003

Contemporary Art training, February 22, 2018

Here is the video of the training session with Gabe Ritter, on the rotations in the Contemporary Art galleries:

Contemporary Art Rotations 2.22.18

Also, here are additional materials and articles Gabe has sent to us, connected to his lecture:

Emma Amos Prose Bio

Amos Selected Press (Compressed)

Lorna Simpson

Martin Wong_Human Instamatic_v2

LONNIE HOLLEY Summary Packet 2017 (2)

Renee Stout Crossroads (extended)

Portia Zvavahera I’m With You

PressPack_Smith_20171017 (1) (1)