Class Materials

April 13, 2016

These are the video links for the class:

JDT class video links for April 13

This is the lecture PPT:

Baroque in Italy and Spain 2016

This is the docent lecture handout:

Baroque in Italy and Spain 2016 slide list

This is the homework sheet for the next class (4/20), on Flemish and Dutch Baroque (watch the last Baroque Art video, #7):

Flemish and Dutch Baroque Art (Word) and Flemish and Dutch Baroque Art (PDF)

Here are the links to the videos that explore the seven characteristics of Baroque Art:

JDT class video links for Baroque Art (PDF) and JDT class video links for Baroque Art (Word)

This is the PPT for Baroque Art Video #7 (note, it doesn’t include the animation or narration, but can be used as a framework for notes):

Baroque art 7

This is the PPT with the paper feedback:

Ancient Art Papers

Here is the blank Microsoft Word sample object file form for you to use in developing your group tours:

Object file for review (Word file)

Once open, enable editing or click on the “View” tab in the top menu and choose “Edit Document.” Fill out the form and then choose “Save As,” then name the file using the following convention:

Artist’s last name (if known)_Title of object (if long title, use the first three words)_Accession number

Once it is saved, it can be sent to Kara. She will save it as a PDF file and post it on the IPE site, in the Object Files, for future reference. Here is the sample form, filled out:

Hornbill Mask 95.1

Here is the Brief Tour Planning Worksheet form for groups:

Brief Tour Planning Worksheet

Here is the Transition sample handout:


February 10, 2016

PowerPoint for Proto-Renaissance:

Proto Renaissance 14th century

PowerPoint for Early Southern Renaissance:

Southern Renaissance JDT 2016

(Note: For those printing off PowerPoint lectures, you can select “grayscale” in the print menu so the black background will not print.)

Handout for Proto-Renaissance (14th century, Italy):

Proto-Renaissance handout (Word) and Proto-Renaissance handout (PDF)

Handout for Southern Renaissance:

Southern Renaissance Handout 2016

Class video links:

JDT class video links for February 10 (Word) and JDT class video links for February 10 (PDF)

Here’s the Best Practices for using iPads on tours:

iPadQAHandout2016 (Word) and iPadQAHandout2016 (PDF)

See the Shared Resources page for links to Minnesota Reflections and the DPLA, as discussed in the library session. See the Homework Assignments page for the European Gallery Talk guidelines and signup sheets for March 2, 9, and 16.

February 3, 2016

PPT lecture on Medieval Europe:

Medieval Europe

(Note: For those printing off PowerPoint lectures, you can select “grayscale” in the print menu so the black background will not print.)

Docent handout:

Medieval art handout (Word) and Medieval art handout (PDF)

Class video links:

JDT class video links for February 3 (Word) and  JDT class video links for February 3 (PDF)

Study sheet for Renaissance lecture on 2/10/16:

The Southern and Northern Renaissance studysheet (Word) and The Southern and Northern Renaissance studysheet (PDF)

January 27, 2016

PPT from lecture (Americas and Africa):

Later Americas Africa

Docent lecture handout:

Art of the Americas Africa Docent handout (Word) and Art of the Americas Africa Docent handout (PDF)

Class video links:

JDT class video links for January 27 (Word) and JDT class video links for January 27 (PDF)

Worksheet for next week’s lecture (Medieval and Proto-Renaissance):

Medieval and Proto Ren study sheet (Word) and Medieval and Proto Ren study sheet (PDF)

Handout on transitions (showing examples of types of transitions):



January 6, 2016

PPT lecture on new philosophies: Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism:

Buddhism Jainism Hinduism

PPT on comparative worksheet:

January 6

Docent handout:

Buddhism Jainism Hinduism handout (Word) and Buddhism Jainism Hinduism handout (PDF)

Class video links:

JDT class video links for January 6 and JDT class video links for January 6

Note: The instructions and sign-up sheets for the next gallery talks on Ancient Cultures (for January 20th, January 27th, and February 3rd) are in the Assignments folder.

December 9, 2015

Here are the instructions for the group review, scheduled for the morning session of December 16:

Review Ancient Cultures

The group scribe should send the final typed notes for the review to Kara by December 18. She will collate and post a document with the comprehensive class notes.

Here are the responses to questions, discussed in the afternoon session:

Questions 12-9-15 (PDF) and Questions 12-9-15 (Word)

November 11, 2015

Art of the Aegean PPT:

Ancient Civilizations II JDT 2015

Ancient Greek Art PPT:

Classical and Hellenistic Greece

Themes and Transitions feedback PPT:

Themes and transitions

Docent lecture handout:

Classical and Hellenistic Greece handout

Class video links:

JDT class video links for November 11 (Word) and JDT class video links for November 11 (PDF)

Study sheet for Etruscan and Roman lecture:

Etruscan Roman Art worksheet (Word) Etruscan Roman Art worksheet (PDF)

NOTE: The comparative worksheet assignment instructions, example, and blank worksheet are posted under the Homework Assignments link.

November 4, 2015

Lecture on Early Art of the Americas:

Early Americas to 1300 final

Lecture on open-ended questions:

Open-ended questions Nov 4

Docent lecture handout:

Early Art of the Americas Docent handout

Open-ended questions handout and group exercise:

Types of open-ended questions

Inquiry exercise

Class video links:

JDT class video links for November 4 (Word) and JDT class video links for November 4 (PDF)

Study sheet for next session on Aegean/Greek art:

Aegean World and Ancient Greek Art Study Sheet

October 21, 2015

Powerpoint from the morning session (ancient civilizations):

Ancient Civ Mia Oct 21 for PDF

Powerpoint from the afternoon session (Putting together a tour):

Putting Together a Tour

Video Links:

JDT class video links for October 21(Word) and JDT class video links for October 21(PDF)

Docent handout on ancient civilizations, covering AM lecture material:

Ancient Civilizations 1 Docent Handout

Additional posted handouts for Egypt:

Egyptian Gods and Symbols and Hieroglyphics for Iry-N-Akhet

Tour Planning Worksheet, in Word and PDF:

Tour Planning Worksheet (Word) and Tour Planning Worksheet (PDF)