Last class! Tour Procedures, 02.27.19
Here is the PowerPoint:
Here are the links to the video:
Here is the revised checkout tour form, and our final check-out tour schedule:
Here is the PowerPoint:
Here are the links to the video:
Here is the revised checkout tour form, and our final check-out tour schedule:
Here is the lecture PPT:
2.13.19 People and Their Environments
Here are the class video links:
2.06.19 KZ slides for Americas highlights
Class video links:
Class video links:
Here is the PowerPoint from the Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM):
And this is the one-page handout file:
Here is the PPT from the afternoon, from Debbi Hegstrom and Juline Chevalier:
These are the links to the class videos:
Here is the PPT for class:
1.9.19 Fr. AAG Africa_Pacific Islands final
Here are the video links for class:
We had a tour of Midwest Art Conservation Center. To learn more about them, here is a link to their website:
Here is a link to a database of articles about conservation, if you are interested:
CoOL website (database of JAIC)
Kris Berggren wanted to share a video link of a documentary that gives good context to the Bwa Mask:
For a quick video of the plank masks in use, here is another link:
Here is the PPT from class:
Tour Procedures and Group Management
Here is the video link:
And here is a link to the pre-tour school visit video Ann played in class:
Your Visit to Mia videos (scroll down to the bottom of the page to find them)
Here is the PowerPoint presentation:
Here is a link to the video:
Here is the PPT of Ann’s American Stories presentation:
American Stories Tour Outline 11.28.18
Here is the PPT of the afternoon debrief, feedback on the group presentations:
Class video links:
Here are the global thinking routines Ann referenced in her lecture:
Here is the complete PPT and all handouts from Debbi Hegstrom:
Early Jewish, Christian, Islamic_AAG
Buddhism Jainism Hinduism handout AAG
Early Jewish, Christian, Islamic Art handout AAG
Class video link:
Part 2 of World Religions 11.14.18 class
Here is the handout for the reflection on the group gallery presentation experience:
Freshman Art Adventure Group Reflection
We also had all sign up for individual presentations in December. Here are the sign-up sheets for December 5, 12, and 19:
12.2018 AAG Gallery Presentations Objects FINAL
And here are the guidelines for that individual presentation:
Here is the class video link to Debbi Hegstrom’s lecture on world religions, Part 1. The PPT for her lecture and the handouts will be posted with Part 2 of the video, in the 11.14.18 class:
Here is the PPT:
Cultural responsiveness AAG class 10.31.18
Here is the handout:
Resources for cultural responsiveness, 10.31.18
Class video links:
10.24.18 Amazing Animals in Art
Here are the links to the video:
Here is the resource handout:
Research Resources for Amazing Animals
PowerPoint for class:
10.17.18 Stage Development and Learning Styles
Video links:
See the “Assignments” folder for group gallery presentation instructions.
Here is the PowerPoint:
Here was the handout, with some additional sources for contextual information:
Here is the link to the video:
PowerPoint lecture:
Video of class:
Here is Sheila McGuire’s PowerPoint:
VTS for Jr Art Adventure Guides
And here are some additional readings on VTS that are useful, for some background on the research and and strategies:
Video of class:
Below is a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation:
Video link: