
Reimagining Migration Workshop on 11.21.19

Here are the materials from our workshop with Sheila McGuire on Re-imagining Migration, on November 21, 2019:

PPT of lecture:

Reimagining Migration Workshop

Video (in 5 parts)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Here is a link to the Re-imagining Migration website.

Here is the link to the video Fatima’s drawings.

This is a PDF of Sheila’s slide list:

slide list reimagining migration

And here are two articles:

The Societal Frame_ A Tool To Address Racism in the Galleries

Whose culture has capital_A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth_1

Americas gallery rotations 2019

Here is a link to Curator Jill Ahlberg Yohe’s lecture:

Americas rotations 10.24.19

Here is the lecture PowerPoint:

Docent Training Americas 2019

11.2.19 Native American Art Training Questions JAY

From the Saturday training, there was a question on the symbolism of the head profiled in the center medallion of Carla Hemlock’s “Boomin’ Out.” Here is the answer from Jill, who asked Carla directly, “For Carla’s work from Carla : No Buffalo head! The three feathers atop the head is in acknowledgment of the Kanienkehaka People. The People of the Flint. What is now commonly known now as the Mohawks.”

Some queries also came for the words on Jeffrey Gibson’s punching bag:

Each Time You Love
Love as deeply as
If it were forever
Nothing is eternal


IPE Fall required training

Here is a video of the museum updates from the start of the session:

Museum updates 2019

Here is the PowerPoint for the training:

Cultural Fluency Fall 2019

These are some supporting materials from the training:

Restoring Indigenous Perspectives

Inclusive Language Guide

Cultural Fluency Fall 2019 revised 1page

For those who attended one of the October sessions (A, B, C, or D), we would appreciate receiving your feedback of the session through this short form:
For those who were unable to attend one of the sessions in October, we have a discussion form (4 brief sections) to complete in order to fulfill the training requirement. To answer the first two questions about Image 1, you will need to read the short article, “Restoring Indigenous Perspectives” by Jaclyn Roessel (link above). After reading, please complete the discussion form. Here is a link to that form:

Artists Respond and Artists Reflect

Welcome to the exhibition resource page for Artists Respond: American Art and the Vietnam War, 1965-1975 and Artists Reflect: Contemporary Views on the American War.

Here are the resources common to both of these exhibitions. 

Lecture on the exhibitions by Robert Cozzolino:

PPT of exhibition lecture:

VIDEO from the Cultural Fluency session on September 23, with the veterans’ perspectives:

PowerPoint from cultural fluency session on 9.23.19, with microaggressions:

VIDEOS of the Teach-In, held on September 28, with artist interviews:

Here are the labels for Artists Respond:

Here are the panels for Artists Respond (no panels are available for Artists Reflect):

Here is a link to the timeline for Artists Respond:

Here are the labels for Artists Reflect:

Here is the timeline for Artists Reflect:

Here is the exhibition checklist for Artists Reflect:

Here is the exhibition layout:

From your colleague Manju Parikh: Eight Writers Share Their Must-Read Books from Vietnam and the Diaspora

Bob Cozzolino’s blog story: Why the Vietnam War still matters: Connecting the art of the 1960s to our time

Here is the Teacher’s Guide for the exhibition, written for Grades 6-12:


From your colleague Susan Arndt, a recommendation for the podcast Saigon 1965 from Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History series.

From your colleague Marne Zafar, books about the Native and African-American experiences in Vietnam.

1) Strong Hearts, Wounded Souls: Native American Veterans of the Vietnam War
2) Bloods: Black Veterans of the Vietnam War – An Oral History

From your colleague Emily Shapiro, a NYT article on artist Hans Haacke: Hans Haacke, Firebrand, Gets His First U.S. Survey in 33 Years

From your colleague Margie Crone, a YouTube video with a choice of the Top 5 Vietnam War songs. As those touring know, a Spotify playlist is also available for visitors to listen to as they go through the exhibition. Here is a Mia blog post on how and why the playlist came to be, written by Curatorial Fellow Esther Callahan: How we created a playlist for “Artists Respond,” an exhibition of Vietnam War-era art

From your colleague Joy Yoshikawa, a good podcast series: The American War

From your colleague Manju PArikh,, an article on Hans Haacke: Hans Haacke, at the New Museum, Takes No Prisoners

From your colleague Jane Mackenzie, a great podcast on MPR about the soldiers who opposed the Viet Nam War: Soldiers for Peace

Resources specifically for Artists Reflect: Contemporary Views on the American War

This is an excellent TPT documentary on the Hmong involvement in the secret war run in Laos by the CIA:

America’s Secret War: Minnesota Remembers Vietnam

Another  informative PBS video: The Hmong and the Secret War

Information on Cy Thao’s series of 50 paintings (16 of which are on display: 1, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, and 50): Cy Thao – U of M 18

Additional information on Cy Thao from your colleague Joy Yoshikawa:

Cy Thao Hmong Migration

From Curator Bob Cozzolino, some websites with more information on artists within Artists Reflect:



An-My Lê

Cy Thao



For more information on our local Southeast Asian community, check out the SEAD Project website:

The SEAD Project started in 2011 with the vision of a group of Southeast Asians who wanted to not only connect with their roots and heritage but to think bigger and beyond preservation. We’re growing a diaspora movement.

Mia blog post: The American War: “Artists Reflect” recounts the Vietnam War from the Southeast Asian perspective

Pronunciation of artists’ names:

Name pronunciation_Artists Reflect



IPE required session, March 28 and 30, 2019

Here is the PPT from our required training session on March 28/30:

CE session March 28 and 30 2019

Links to videos and articles in the PPT are live, so you can click on them to open.  Here is a link to Daliya Jokondo’s video at the end of the session on Cultural Misappropriation

Here is the video of the Saturday session, in 3 parts.

Part 1 March 30

Part 2 March 30

Part 3 March 30

For those who attended either session or completed watching the video, please take a moment to fill out this brief feedback form:

Feedback form for IPE Spring 2019

Article on Damien Hirst:

Damien Hirst Admits ‘All My Ideas Are Stolen Anyway’

AAG Brown Bag on 2/12/19, Africa and the Americas Galleries

Here are the slides from the Brown Bag on Tuesday, February 12:

AAG Brown Bag 2.12.19

These are links to the recording:

Part 1

Part 2

Here are some links to various resources:

Article: Artwork Taken from Africa, Returning to a Home Transformed

Exploring Africa, an online source with great information on the history of the continent: Exploring Africa

Art and Life in Africa, from the University of Iowa. To reach the page where all videos are posted, click here.

Bwa masquerade (short video clip)


Mapping Black Identities training and resource page

Mapping Black Identities Rotation 2 Material 2020 – Artist information

Here is a link to the recorded training session by the Contemporary curatorial staff on Mapping Black Identities,on February 7, 2019:

Mapping Black Identities

Please note that at the start, the sound quality is poor. If you are able to listen to it with headphones, turned to the highest, you should be able to hear it.

Here is the lecture PowerPoint:

Mapping Black Identities Presentation_training pdf

Here is the updated checklist of objects in the exhibition:

Mapping Black Identities Checklist

Here are the labels for the objects:

Mapping Black Identities Labels PDF – Press

Here are resources on the films showing in the Black Box:

Mapping Black Identities- 3 Films Presentation Notes and Resources

This is a MPR story on the exhibition:

Black Identities exhibit marks cultural shift for Mia

From our curatorial staff comes a wealth of research documents on the artists represented in the exhibition, linked here below:

Charles Gaines Supporting Docs

Deana Lawson Supporting Docs

Delita Martin Supporting Docs

Elizabeth Catlett Supporting Docs

Emma Amos Supporting Docs

Frank Bowling Supporting Docs

Igshaan Adams Supporting Docs

J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere Supporting Docs

Joe Overstreet Supporting Docs

Julie Mehretu Supporting Docs

Kerry James Marshall Supporting Docs

Kevin Beasley Additional Supporting Doc_ Black Relief

Kevin Beasley Supporting Docs

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye Supporting Docs

MBI Presentation Training Research Content

Museums are now clamoring for Frank Bowling’s work

From your colleague Jean London, an article on Frank Bowling’s work:

Non-Synchronous Cartographies: Frank Bowling’s Map Paintings

Please note there is a separate post for the rotation, with a video of that gallery training on January 30, 2020. Here is a link to that page.