
Participatory Activities assignment

The PPT below includes all the photos and brief descriptions of each group’s activities.

Participatory Activities Debrief

The groups which submitted their activity’s instructions or worksheets follow. As I receive additional materials, I will post. If you have any questions, contact one of the group members directly.

G2 Revised Participatory Experience Assignment – Word

G3 Participatory Experience

G4 Participatory Experience

G5 Pair Project – Douglas & Bourke-White Photos

G9 Academic Realists part 1

G10 Questioning the Art – A Participatory Exercise

G11 Exercise sheet for Participatory Experience 2

G11 Questions to Discuss for participatory exercise

G12 Participatory Activity tour

G13 Participatory Activity

G15 participatory activity

Here are the instructions for the assignment:

PA instructions

And here are the sign-up sheets, for the group presentations taking place on February 8, 15, and 22:

PA Signup 2017

This is the list of suggested objects:

PA objects

January 4, 2017

Lecture PPT:

EuroAmerican Gilded Age 2017

Lecture handout:

19thCEuroAmer quotes

19thCEuroAmerican slide list

Feedback on group tours PPT:

Group Tour Feedback session

Small group exercise, interpretive and associative questions:

Interpretive and Associative questions

Study sheet for print lecture (January 11):

Printmaking study sheet for Jan 11

Study sheet for the Jan. 4 lecture:

19thCEuroAmerican study sheet (PDF) and 19thCEuroAmerican study sheet (Word)

Video links for the class:

JDT class video links for January 4 (PDF) and JDT class video links for January 4 (Word)

November 30, 2016

Class lecture PPT:


Lecture handouts (timeline is a separate file):

19th-centurydecartshandoutjdt2016 AND 19thdecartstimeline2016

Study sheet for next class:

barbizon-academics-etc-study-sheet (Word) and barbizon-academics-etc-study-sheet (PDF)

Patrick Noon’s lecture PPT and lecture notes:

british-romantic-landscape (lecture) and noon-british-romantic-landscape (lecture notes)

Patrick Noon’s handout:


Video links for class:

jdt-class-video-links-for-november-30 (Word) and jdt-class-video-links-for-november-30 (PDF)

November 16, 2016

Class lecture:


Lecture handout:


Handout and PPT for the characteristics of Neoclassicism and Romanticism:

neocl-rom-chars-handout (Word) and neocl-rom-chars-handout (PDF)

PowerPoint video, Neoclassicism and Romanticism

Handout (printed copies are in the Tour Office) and suggested online resources to prepare for next lecture (peruse as able), on November 30:

19th-c-dec-arts-worksheet (Word) and 19th-c-dec-arts-worksheet (PDF)

resources-for-decorative-arts-19th-century (PDF)

Class video links:

jdt-class-video-links-for-november-16 (Word) and jdt-class-video-links-for-november-16 (PDF)


Ensor article and more!

From your colleague Kathleen Steiger,

“This ArtDaily Newsletter has a great article on James Ensor and an upcoming exhibit featuring the other copy of Intregue as well as a 6 minute video on conserving a large Japanese scroll at the MFA.  Both are excellent and worth the time it takes to read and view.”


Euro-American Art, readings for Nov. 9th class

Access to PDF of American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School by Avery, Kevin J., Oswaldo Rodriguez Roque, John K. Howat, Doreen Bolger Burke, and Catherine Hoover Voorsanger (1987):

American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School

Please click on “Read Online” to bring up a copy on your computer OR click the “Download” button, to download a PDF for your use (the PDF is too large for me to post on the IPE site). For class, read the article in this catalog titled “The Exaltation of American Landscape Painting” by Oswaldo Rodriguez Roque, pp. 21-48.

Also, please review the attached document, with links to a series of five short illustrated essays on the Metropolitan Museum site:

supplemental-readings-for-the-november-9-lecture-on-euro (Word) and supplemental-readings-for-the-november-9-lecture-on-euro (PDF)

Book Recommendation on Visual Intelligence

From your colleague Sara Wagner, a book recommendation:

Visual Intelligence     Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life     By Amy E. Herman

I mentioned this book after Jane Oden Stull talked to our class about touring with teens.  She mentioned the author who trains people (NYC Police, FBI, etc) to perceive and communicate better through viewing art.  She is an art historian who teaches others to hone their “visual intelligence,” a set of skills we all possess but few of us know how to use effectively.

October 26, 2016

Here is Aaron Rio’s lecture PPT:


Here is the lecture handout:

object-list-lecture-4 (Word) and object-list-lecture-4 (PDF)

Here is the study sheet for next week’s lecture:


(Note: Two hardcopy articles were distributed in class on chairs and silver, to use as decorative arts references in the future.)

Here are the handouts from senior docents on touring tips for school groups:

art-for-all-ages-teens AND art-for-all-ages-children

This is an additional handout from Debbi, with more tips on touring with teens:


Here are the class video links:

jdt-class-video-links-for-october-26 (Word) and jdt-class-video-links-for-october-26 (PDF)

And last, but not least, here is the tour sign Kay Quinn created, which can be edited (in PowerPoint) as well to fit your tour theme:
